I would like to compare samples in one condition versus the other condition (Organoid Vs Tissue) in the following dataset.
Sample Patient Replicate Batch Condition
O3_BR1 3 1 run2 Organoid
O3_BR2 3 2 run2 Organoid
O3_BR3 3 3 run2 Organoid
O4_BR1 4 1 run2 Organoid
O4_BR2 4 2 run2 Organoid
O4_BR3 4 3 run2 Organoid
O5_BR1 5 1 run1 Organoid
O5_BR2 5 2 run1 Organoid
O5_BR3 5 3 run1 Organoid
O5_T_BR1 5 1 run1 Organoid
O5_T_BR2 5 2 run1 Organoid
O6_BR1 6 1 run2 Organoid
O6_BR2 6 2 run2 Organoid
O6_BR3 6 3 run2 Organoid
O8_BR1 8 1 run1 Organoid
O8_BR2 8 2 run1 Organoid
O9_BR1 9 1 run1 Organoid
O9_BR2 9 2 run1 Organoid
O9_BR3 9 2 run3 Organoid
T3_BR1 3 1 run2 Tissue
T4_BR1 4 1 run2 Tissue
T5_BR1 5 1 run3 Tissue
T6_BR1 6 1 run2 Tissue
T8_BR1 8 1 run1 Tissue
T9_BR1 9 1 run1 Tissue
I have paired samples, each of them with biological replicates in one group and no biological replicates in the other.
The Patient variable is nested with the Batch variable. I've seen the "Group-specific condition effects, individuals nested within groups" in the vignette but I'm unsure whether that approach can be applied in my case and, in case it is possible to apply it, I also doubt about how to generate the additional column (ind.n in the provided example) in my dataset.
Thanks in advance.