Entering edit mode
I would like to layer the black colored points over the gray. Any suggestions on how to do this
[keyvals.colour <- ifelse(
data[[1]] %in% Cell, 'black', 'gray')
keyvals.colour[is.na(keyvals.colour)] <- 'gray'
names(keyvals.colour)[keyvals.colour == 'gray'] <- 'NS'
names(keyvals.colour)[keyvals.colour == 'black'] <- 'Cell Cycle'
lab = F,
x = 'log2FoldChange',
y = 'padj',
selectLab = geneset_final[[1]],
#xlab = bquote(~Log[2]~ 'fold change'),
title = 'IMR-32 BRM014 v. DMSO',
subtitle = "Cell Cycle",
pCutoff = F,
FCcutoff = F,
#pointSize = 2.5,
pointSize = ifelse(
data[[1]] %in% Cell,1 , 0.5),
labSize = 2.5,
#shapeCustom = keyvals.shape,
colCustom = keyvals.colour,
colAlpha = ifelse(
data[[1]] %in% Cell,1.0 ,0.5),
legendLabSize = 15,
#legendPosition = 'right',
legendIconSize = 5.0,
#labFace = 'bold',
#boxedLabels = T,
drawConnectors = F,
widthConnectors = 0.5,
#colConnectors = 'grey50',
gridlines.major = F,
gridlines.minor = F,
border = 'full',
#borderWidth = 1.5,
borderColour = 'black')