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Last seen 4.0 years ago
Is there a recommended way of converting FASTQ qualities? E.g., I read a phred64-encoded file with FastqStreamer, which gives me a ShortReadQ object with a quality of type SFastqQuality. After some manipulation I want to write it as phred33. For some reason I had thought I could write like this
> writeFastq(fq,file="foo.fq.gz",qualityType="FastqQuality")
No idea where I got that from, but it does not seem to work anyway.
I can come up with something like this
> fq2 <- ShortReadQ(sread=sread(fq),
# and in fact
> identical(as(quality(fq),"matrix"),as(quality(fq2),"matrix"))
[1] TRUE
> writeFastq(fq2,file="bar.fq.gz")
but this is hardly the pinnacle of elegance?
Hm, that seems to force the encoding on the existing BStringSet, but not re-encode the score:
It also appears to be a different class:
Apparently it can be used instead of a BstringSet in the constructor,
but is detected again as solexa64
regaining the original scores:
Probably not worth wasting too much time on this, since the solution I had basically works.
For the record, here is a modified version that is slightly faster by avoiding the transpose and also does not rely on autodetection of the original format and rectangularity: