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Wolfgang Huber
Last seen 19 days ago
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laborat…
Dear colleague,
we are happy to announce the
Otto Warburg International Summer School and Workshop
Networks and Regulation.
August 26 to September 4, 2005
Berlin, Germany
The aim of this program is to bring together researchers and
students from different backgrounds (including molecular
biology, bioinformatics, biological physics) to discuss
Networks and Regulation, a topic of high current interest on
the interface between statistical physics and biology. We plan
an integrated program, which is focused on high-level training
during the first days and leads to topical research seminars in
the second part.
We will discuss ideas and approaches both from physics and
biology. The goal is to promote a joint effort and establish a
common ground to approach problems in this emerging field of
research. The schedule will leave sufficient time for
discussion and interaction among students and lecturers.
Confirmed speakers:
David Arnosti - East Lansing
Alvis Brazma - Hinxton
Harmen Bussemaker - New York
Wolfgang Huber - Hinxton
Terence Hwa - San Diego
Eric van Nimwegen - Basel
Luca Peliti - Napoli
Nikolaus Rajewski - New York
Roded Sharan - Berkeley
Denis Thieffry - Marseille
Michael Zhang - Cold Spring Harbor
Scientific Coordinators:
Peter Arndt - Berlin
Michael L?ssig - Cologne
Martin Vingron - Berlin
The deadline for applications is June 5, 2005.
The registration fee of 600 EUR includes costs for accommodation
and meals. The registration fee for PhD and Masters students
is 400 EUR (or 100 EUR without accomodation).
Application forms can be filled in online on the workshop's
website at
The announcement as a printable poster is available from
For further questions please contact
Hannes Luz
c/o Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
Computational Molecular Biology
Ihnestrasse 73
D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 8413 - 1154
Fax: +49 30 8413 - 1152
Email: luz@molgen.mpg.de
Best regards,
the Otto Warburg Summer School team