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Mohammad Esad-Djou
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Thanks for your answer.
It gives in http://affycomp.jhsph.edu/faq.html a R-Script. The file is
called "affycomp.R". At the beginning of this file is written:
affycomp.info <- read.table("info.txt",sep="\t",as.is=TRUE,quote="")
method.name <- affycomp.info[3,2]
When I start this script in R, I get:
> source("./R/ME_R/affycomp.R")
>>Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection
>>In addition: Warning message:
>>cannot open file `info.txt'
When I delete 2 lines and write method.name=NULL, I get:
> source("./R/ME_R/affycomp_irri.R")
Performing 6 assessments that will take a few minutes......
Performing 3 assessments that will take a few seconds...
Writing to file spike-in-133-assessment.tex
Processing code chunks ...
1 : term hide
2 : term verbatim
Error: chunk 2
Error in nrowaffycomp.info) : Unable to find the argument "x" in
selecting a method for function "nrow"
I believe that I must "info.txt" at the beginning of the program
given. But I can't "info.txt" finden!
Or these error messages have other solution?
"Harris A. Jaffee" <hjaffee@jhmi.edu> schrieb am 19.05.05 18:34:15:
> >---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 15:01:58 +0200
> >From: Mohammad Esad-Djou <shahrgol@web.de>
> >To: bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch, rafa@jhu.edu,
> >Subject: affycomp and info.txt?
> >
> >but affycomp.R needs "info.txt" file.
> >where can I find info.txt?
> It's built from the information supplied in the submission form.
> is an example:
> fullname: Rafael A. Irizarry
> method: MAS 5.0
> nickname: MAS 5.0
> competition: YES
> URL: http://www.affymetrix.com/support/technical/technotes/statis
> If competition==YES, these values later appear in an index.html file
> is obtained by clicking on a Method/Submitter value in one of the
> tables. For example, the link "MAS 5.0/rafa" goes to this page:
> To get the affycomp package itself, go to:
> http://www.bioconductor.org/repository/devel/package/html/affyc
> Let me know if I can be of further help. -Harris