Hi bioconductor group,
I am using the limma package for most of microarray analyses in our
(Genetic). It is extremely useful. I would like to share results with
other group member. Does anyone have a function that would email the
automatically to a groupware server or list of email recipients? Or is
feature planned?
Thank you very much,
Gisberto Cicero
Navighi a 4 MEGA e i primi 3 mesi sono GRATIS.
Hi bioconductor group,
I am using the limma package for most of microarray analyses in our
(Genetic). It is extremely useful. I would like to share results with
other group member. Does anyone have a function that email the
automatically to a groupware server or list of email recipients? Or is
such a
feature planned?
Thank you very much,
Gisberto Cicero
Navighi a 4 MEGA e i primi 3 mesi sono GRATIS.
Hi Gisberto,
It's not really Limma's job to do that. It wouldn't be difficult at
to get a simple script running that takes care of them.
On a unix-y system, I'd probably just save it to file (write.table
the trick) and then do system() calls to the mail command or something
(assuming fit is a MArrayML object from lmFit)
> write.table(topTable(fit), file='temp.txt')
> system('mail -s limmaFit user@example.com < temp.txt')
> system('rm temp.txt')
Any other scripting languages should let you do something like that as
Hi Gisberto,
It's not really Limma's job to do that. It wouldn't be difficult at
to get a simple script running that takes care of them.
On a unix-y system, I'd probably just save it to file (write.table
the trick) and then do system() calls to the mail command or something
(assuming fit is a MArrayML object from lmFit)
> write.table(topTable(fit), file='temp.txt')
> system('mail -s limmaFit user@example.com < temp.txt')
> system('rm temp.txt')
Any other scripting languages should let you do something like that as
On Sat, 2005-05-07 at 04:08, gisberto.cicero wrote:
> Hi bioconductor group,
> I am using the limma package for most of microarray analyses in our
> (Genetic). It is extremely useful. I would like to share results
with the
> other group member. Does anyone have a function that would email the
> automatically to a groupware server or list of email recipients? Or
is such
> feature planned?
> Thank you very much,
> Gisberto Cicero
> ____________________________________________________________
> Navighi a 4 MEGA e i primi 3 mesi sono GRATIS.
> _______________________________________________
> Bioconductor mailing list
> Bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioconductor
Fran?ois Pepin
"If A equals success, then the formula is: A=X+Y+Z. X is work. Y is
play. Z is keep your mouth shut." Albert Einstein