I was asked to run a 2-way ANOVA using LIMMA with strain (AJ, BALBC, C57BL6, DBA, FVB) and treatment (drug, naive, vehicle) as my factors. They want to know which genes change in expression due to strain, treatment, and the interaction. I ran the two-way ANOVA using treatment-contrast parametrization with C57BL6 naive as my baseline but they have asked me to run it without a reference. However, if I do not specify the reference then it will pick AJ drug as my reference. The contrasts are different but the F statistics are the same. From reading the limma guide, my understanding is that the factorial 2-way ANOVA needs to have a baseline. Is it possible to run a 2-way ANOVA without a baseline?
Thanks in advance for your help,
snippet of script from my original 2-way ANOVA
#Model design
strain <-factor(info$strain)
strain <-relevel(strain, ref="C57BL6")
treatment <-factor(info$treatment)
treatment <-relevel(treatment, ref="N")
design = model.matrix(~strain*treatment)
#Model fitting
fit<-lmFit(oExpr, design)
#Differential gene expression
out<-topTable(fit2,number=nrow(fit2), adjust.method="BH", p.value=1, sort.by="none")
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What I'm saying is that the choice of baseline is purely a matter of convenience and has no bearing on the statistics. You can choose any baseline, or use my suggested design to get a separate coefficient for each combination of factor levels with no baseline, but regardless, you will still get the same p-values and same logFC for the same comparisons. So if you already have a design that works, it's a waste of time to change the baseline around in this way. You are still fitting exactly the same model.