Hello all
I am currently using ggtree to annotate a phylogenetic tree with bootstrap values and phylophic as per instructions of the vignette but comes up with the same error . This is the code I used
Protein_tree <- read.tree("~/Tree/Protein_Aligned_ggtree.nwk")
Labeled <- ggtree(Protein_tree,layout = "circular",branch.length = 0,) + ggtitle("Phylogenetic tree of WRKY transcription factors in A.thaliana and M.esculenta") + geom_tiplab (aes(angle=angle), geom = "text", size = 2.5)
Picture <- ggtree(Labled) %>% phylopic("FB60C2D9-E901-4A4C-96FB-A350424C9DFC",color = "green", alpha = .3)
"Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class gg/ggplot"
ootstrap <- ggtree(Labled_tree) + geom_label(aes(label = bootstrap)) + geom_tiplab()
"Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class gg/ggplot"
Would appreciate any advice on the subject. Thank you.