Dear all Bioconductor users,
the package VariantAnnotation is a perfect tool to find non-synonymous SNPs in a VCF. My question is :
How to create a new genome including the found SNPs ?
I know it is possbile somehow for Human data and the pregenerated SNPLOCS object. But how to achieve the same for an unknown microorganism such as Candida albicans ?
At the moment I am doing it step by step:
1) Getting the GeneID and CDS (TxDB Package) cdsBy
2) Extracting the sequence from BSGenome
3) Inserting the SNPs from a data.frame
for(i in 1:nrow(geneSnpDF)){
seq[geneSnpDF[i,"POS"]] <- DNAString(geneSnpDF[i,"ALT"])
What I would like to have a BSGenome.CAlbMutated where I can directly
in order to compare the sequences in an alignment.
For Homo sapiens it is as easy as : injectSNPs(BSgenome.Homo, snps)
Thanks for your help