Hey guys,
my idea is to plot custom annotation of the regions (microRNAs and promoters) as well as Ensembl annotations of the protein-coding genes. I did the following:
# annotation for microRNA
mir_track <- AnnotationTrack(microrna_range, id="miR-150", genome="GRCh37", name="miR-150",
showFeatureId=F, cex.title=1, fill="grey81", size=5,
lwd.border.title=5, background.title="grey",lineheight=3,
col.title="black", fontcolor="white", cex=5)
> mir_track
AnnotationTrack 'miR-150'
| genome: GRCh37
| active chromosome: chr19
| annotation features: 1
#annotation for promoter
promoter_track <- AnnotationTrack(promoter_grange, id="promoter", genome="GRCh37", name="promoter",
showFeatureId=FALSE, cex.title=1, fill="firebrick3", size=5,
lwd.border.title=5, background.title="grey",
col.title="black", fontcolor="white", stacking="squish") #), rot.title=0)
AnnotationTrack 'promoter'
| genome: GRCh37
| active chromosome: chr19
| annotation features: 1
axTrack <- GenomeAxisTrack(littleTicks = TRUE, size=1)
idxTrack <- IdeogramTrack(genome = "hg19", chromosome = "chr19", size=1.5)
# ensembl protein-coding genes annotation
edb <- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75
gr <- getGeneRegionTrackForGviz(edb, filter = GenebiotypeFilter("protein_coding"), chromosome="chr19", start=start,
ensembl_genes <- GeneRegionTrack(gr, name="Ensembl genes", fill = "#8282d2", background.title = "brown",
background.panel = "white", showId =T, geneSymbols=T,
While plotting Im getting the error (although all my tracks are set to chr19).
plotTracks(list(mir_track, promoter_track, ensembl_genes))
Warning message:
In plotTracks(list(mir_track, promoter_track, ensembl_genes)) :
The track chromosomes in 'trackList' differ. Setting all tracks to chromosome 'chr19'
Any ideas what I can do? Thanks for the help!