Hi all experts,
I’m very new in this field and it’s my first experience, so please correct me when I’m wrong during the conversation.I have 5 libraries (unfortunately without replicate) as below,
Control-Sensitive cell line (CS)
Treatment-Sensitive cell line after 12 hours (TS12)
Control-Tolerant cell line (CT)
Treatment-Tolerant cell line after 12 hours (TT12)
Treatment-Tolerant cell line after 24 hours (TT24)
I’m aware of the replication importance, however, at this moment, there is no way to have replication in this experiment. As far as I read, I can use just the exact test from edgeR package, which the interaction effects could not be controlled by it. Given this experiment, please kindly clear me about the below questions.
1) As you know better me, in order to use exact test, we set dispersion parameter manually. For dispersion estimation, I ignored the cell line type and time; in fact, I considered the experiment as control with two replicates (CS and CT) and treatment with three replicate (TS12, TT12, and TT24), and it is the related MDS plot.
As this plot shows, the difference between control and treatment is more than between cell lines (CS and CT, ST12 and TT12), it returned to me this consideration (control and treatment) sounds right, do you agree? Please share me your opinion. Then I calculated dispersion using "y <- estimateDisp(y, design, robust=TRUE)", the related plotBCV is here. Please let me know if I can use the calculated dispersion for the exact test?
Regarding the interaction effect, when we use the exact test for comparing two cell line types say, CS and CT as well as TS12 and TT12, and comparing control and treatment within each cell line, please kindly tell me if we can say those DE genes that are common when comparing was done within each cell line and when two cell line types were compared with each other might be due to the cell line effect not treatment?
As the last question, please tell me how is important the control for interaction effects? Please advise and introduce me if there is any software that can handle the interaction effect without replication?
Sorry for several questions and many thanks for your help and time in advance.
Hi Dr. Gordon Smyth,
Many thanks for the detailed response and providing the codes. I followed your instruction, but the DE results is a bit strange, for example, the number of DE (at FDR of 0.05) is about 65000 and all up-regulated for TS12 while it was 5 for TT12. These are all the codes that I used, please kindly tell me if they right or there is something wrong?
that the output of summary command was:
While this output for TT12 was as below:
Could you please let me know if there is any wrong and need the modification?
Thank you very much for your help and time in advance
My mistake, the design matrix should have been
instead of
I have edited my answer above to be correct now.
I assume these are just copying errors, but there are a couple of obvious mistakes in the code you give, in that
can't work, and there's noglmFit()
command in your code.Also, how can you have 66,000 genes?
Thanks a lot for reviewing my codes. The analysis is related to an RNA-seq project that gave us a large number of genes.Besides your modification in the code, I changed the related code for expression count [1:5] and add glmFit() as you kindly suggested. It sounds that the problem was solved, however, there is an issue regarding the interaction effect. Here are all codes, I would highly appreciate if you please take a look at them and let me if anything is wrong.
Now. It sounds that the number of DE (up and down) is reasonable here. The similar pattern happened for TT12 and TT24. So, the problem was solved and everything is OK, yes? again thanks for your help. But, when I used the following command for the interaction effect, it returned me nothing.
Could you please kindly tell me if It means that there isn't any interaction effect, how I can make sure about it, or there is something wrong?
As the last question, I defined contrasts as "CT.CS = (CT-TT12) - (CS-TS12)" and used the similar above code for comparing the sensitive and tolerant cell lines at before any treatment (control), but the output was no DE genes.
I am not sure about these outputs (no DE for TT12.TS12 and no DE for CT.CS), it may be there is something wrong due to my mistake. Could you please correct me if there is any mistake in the analysis of interaction effect?
Sorry for several questions, it's my first experience and I need a professional scientist like you confirm or reject me.
Many thanks for all your help and time in advance.
The only conclusion you can make is that there is no evidence for an interaction effect in any of your genes. It's impossible to tell whether that's because there truly is no interaction effect, or whether it's because your experimental design does not have enough power to detect a weak but genuine interaction effect. With the data you currently have, there's no way to "make sure" about whether an interaction effect is truly absent.
As for your
contrast, this does exactly the same thing as yourTT12.TS12
contrast, except that the signs of the log-fold changes would be flipped around. Thus, if you don't get any DE genes in one of these contrasts, you won't get any DE genes in the other contrast either.Thank you, Aaron for your comment. Although Gordon helped me much, I'm not sure if all above step and codes are correct as it's my first experience. Could you please review the codes and let me know if there is something wrong? Thank in advance
Code looks mostly fine, but there are a couple of odd things. For starters, your filtering step needs to be adjusted for the fact that you have only one sample per group:
Otherwise you would fail to retain genes that were only expressed in one of the groups. You also do a lot of redundant dispersion estimation. You should either use:
... or just take out
altogether:Finally, if you are uncertain of your code, I would suggest contacting a local bioinformatician to walk you through an analysis. In the absence of some specific error or misbehaviour, asking whether some code is correct or not is a vague question that is not suited to the support site.
Thank you very much, Aaron for reviewing the codes and letting me know my mistake and sorry if it's not suited to this site. Honestly, there is no experienced person around me to ask the question. The only place where I can learn and correct any mistake is here. Now, with your correction, some genes showed interaction effect. Again thank you.
There isn't any genome with 66,000 genes. I suspect that you are actually analyzing transcripts, which is problematic in itself for a count-based analysis.
It is obvious from the MDS plot that there will be little interaction.
Thanks a lot, Gordon, for following the post. Your help was great. That's right, I'm busy with transcriptome analysis. Yes, there was some interaction as you mentioned, I could get them when the code was corrected by Aaron. Again thank you for all help.