Hey, I want to use the mapping result that affy probe mapped to genome to update the .cdf file. do you have some suggestions for this work? which package do you want to recommend? Thanks.
Hey, I want to use the mapping result that affy probe mapped to genome to update the .cdf file. do you have some suggestions for this work? which package do you want to recommend? Thanks.
It's not exactly clear what you want, but I assume you are talking about the MBNI re-mapped cdfs? It used to be that you could use biocLite
to get them, but I think these days you just have to go get them by hand and install. I assume you want the most current version, but those are questions for Manhong Dai, who is in charge of those things.
Thanks for your quickly answer. Our program designed a affy probe for switchgrass. but with the advent of new genome of switchgrass. we want to use the newest geneome to re-annotate this probe and respond cdf file. I have got the mapping result that map probe against genome. As with this update cdf file, could you give me pipleline I sholuld follow? Thanks
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Answers to your question can be found at MBNI's webpage. They are not a part of Bioconductor, so any questions should be directed to Manhong Dai, rather than being posted here.
Ok, I got. Thanks.