linear models and intercepts with LIMMA
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Ramsi Haddad ▴ 80
Last seen 10.0 years ago
Dear List, I have been working with LIMMA and I'm a bit confused by the linear models. I have a group with 4 factors. I want to remove covariates from the main effects before I look at contrasts. Before I do this, I was trying out the different combinations of ~ . When I say lmFit(~group), this is supposed to calculate an intercept. This works. The problem is that my groupCTL disappears. If I say lmFit(~ -1 + group), I gather that the intercept is constrained to (0,0) and that lmFit(~ 0 + group) does not calculate an intercept. My problem is that I want lmFit to give me an intercept and not take away my groupCTL! Below is the code showing what I mean. Everything works, its just that I want my contrast matrix to include groupPE-groupCTL, but I can't do this when the intercept is calculated. Any assistance in clarifying this matter would be appreciated. Thanks Ramsi > table(group) group CTL PE TIL TNL 17 22 12 10 > design.e <- model.matrix(~group) > colnames(design.e) [1] "(Intercept)" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL" > design.e <- model.matrix(~-1 + group) > colnames(design.e) [1] "groupCTL" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL" > design.e <- model.matrix(~0 + group) > colnames(design.e) [1] "groupCTL" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL"
limma limma • 3.5k views
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Last seen 22 hours ago
WEHI, Melbourne, Australia
>Date: 14 Apr 2005 13:35:55 -0400 >From: Ramsi Haddad <> >Subject: [BioC] linear models and intercepts with LIMMA >To: >Content-Type: text/plain > >Dear List, > > I have been working with LIMMA and I'm a bit confused by the linear >models. I have a group with 4 factors. I want to remove covariates >from the main effects before I look at contrasts. Before I do this, I >was trying out the different combinations of ~ . When I say >lmFit(~group), this is supposed to calculate an intercept. This works. >The problem is that my groupCTL disappears. If I say lmFit(~ -1 + >group), I gather that the intercept is constrained to (0,0) and that >lmFit(~ 0 + group) does not calculate an intercept. > My problem is that I want lmFit to give me an intercept and not take >away my groupCTL! It sounds as if you want to four have group effects and still have an intercept, which is simply meaningless. You can't create 5 meaningful numbers when you only started with 4 groups. Why in the world do you want an intercept? What do you think it would mean? You need to think in terms of what the estimated coefficients mean. Gordon > Below is the code showing what I mean. Everything >works, its just that I want my contrast matrix to include >groupPE-groupCTL, but I can't do this when the intercept is calculated. > >Any assistance in clarifying this matter would be appreciated. Thanks > >Ramsi > > > > table(group) >group >CTL PE TIL TNL > 17 22 12 10 > > > design.e <- model.matrix(~group) > > > colnames(design.e) >[1] "(Intercept)" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL" > > > design.e <- model.matrix(~-1 + group) > > > colnames(design.e) >[1] "groupCTL" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL" > > > design.e <- model.matrix(~0 + group) > > > colnames(design.e) >[1] "groupCTL" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL"
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Last seen 13 hours ago
United States
Ramsi Haddad wrote: > Dear List, > > I have been working with LIMMA and I'm a bit confused by the linear > models. I have a group with 4 factors. I want to remove covariates > from the main effects before I look at contrasts. Before I do this, I > was trying out the different combinations of ~ . When I say > lmFit(~group), this is supposed to calculate an intercept. This works. > The problem is that my groupCTL disappears. If I say lmFit(~ -1 + > group), I gather that the intercept is constrained to (0,0) and that > lmFit(~ 0 + group) does not calculate an intercept. > My problem is that I want lmFit to give me an intercept and not take > away my groupCTL! Below is the code showing what I mean. Everything > works, its just that I want my contrast matrix to include > groupPE-groupCTL, but I can't do this when the intercept is calculated. You are misunderstanding the models you are fitting. In the first place, with ANOVA there is no assumption of a linear relationship between the factor levels, so removing the intercept term doesn't constrain the intercept to (0, 0). In this case, the intercept term indicates what sort of model you want to fit, either a cell means or factor effects model. Without an intercept you are fitting a cell means model in which you are estimating the mean expression for each factor level (e.g., the model is y_ij = u_i + e_ij). In this case, doing the contrasts is quite straightforward. If you add an intercept term, you are fitting a factor effects model in which all of the other factors are specified in relation to some mean value. In this case, all the other factors are specified in relation to the mean of the groupCTL (e.g., the model is y_ij = u. + t_i + e_ij). Here u. is the mean of the groupCTL samples, and the t_i are the amounts that each of the other group means differ from the groupCTL mean. Therefore, the contrasts are specified by the t_i values themselves if you are comparing to groupCTL, and are specified by e.g., groupPE - groupTIL for the other contrasts. HTH, Jim > > Any assistance in clarifying this matter would be appreciated. Thanks > > Ramsi > > > >>table(group) > > group > CTL PE TIL TNL > 17 22 12 10 > > >>design.e <- model.matrix(~group) > > >>colnames(design.e) > > [1] "(Intercept)" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL" > > >>design.e <- model.matrix(~-1 + group) > > >>colnames(design.e) > > [1] "groupCTL" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL" > > >>design.e <- model.matrix(~0 + group) > > >>colnames(design.e) > > [1] "groupCTL" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL" > > _______________________________________________ > Bioconductor mailing list > > -- James W. MacDonald Affymetrix and cDNA Microarray Core University of Michigan Cancer Center 1500 E. Medical Center Drive 7410 CCGC Ann Arbor MI 48109 734-647-5623
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Dear Jim, Thanks for your explanation. My confusion is over the fact that both regression and ANOVA are called by the same function. I guess I don't need the intercept as Gordon suggested for the factor co-variates, but I thought I needed an intercept for a continuous co-variate. My original message indicated that the intercept can be calculated by loosing one of the samples when using group (factor) data. If I use only a continuous covariate, like age, I can get an intercept and still keep the age co-variate. The trouble arises when I add a factor (like group) and a continuous co-variate (like age). In this case, I can get an intercept, but I loose a factor. I am not intending to do anything with the intercept. For this reason, I am taking Gordon's advice and not calculating an intercept. Thanks all. Ramsi > Ramsi Haddad wrote: > > Dear List, > > > > I have been working with LIMMA and I'm a bit confused by the linear > > models. I have a group with 4 factors. I want to remove covariates > > from the main effects before I look at contrasts. Before I do this, I > > was trying out the different combinations of ~ . When I say > > lmFit(~group), this is supposed to calculate an intercept. This works. > > The problem is that my groupCTL disappears. If I say lmFit(~ -1 + > > group), I gather that the intercept is constrained to (0,0) and that > > lmFit(~ 0 + group) does not calculate an intercept. > > My problem is that I want lmFit to give me an intercept and not take > > away my groupCTL! Below is the code showing what I mean. Everything > > works, its just that I want my contrast matrix to include > > groupPE-groupCTL, but I can't do this when the intercept is calculated. > > You are misunderstanding the models you are fitting. In the first place, > with ANOVA there is no assumption of a linear relationship between the > factor levels, so removing the intercept term doesn't constrain the > intercept to (0, 0). In this case, the intercept term indicates what > sort of model you want to fit, either a cell means or factor effects model. > > Without an intercept you are fitting a cell means model in which you are > estimating the mean expression for each factor level (e.g., the model is > y_ij = u_i + e_ij). In this case, doing the contrasts is quite > straightforward. > > If you add an intercept term, you are fitting a factor effects model in > which all of the other factors are specified in relation to some mean > value. In this case, all the other factors are specified in relation to > the mean of the groupCTL (e.g., the model is y_ij = u. + t_i + e_ij). > Here u. is the mean of the groupCTL samples, and the t_i are the amounts > that each of the other group means differ from the groupCTL mean. > Therefore, the contrasts are specified by the t_i values themselves if > you are comparing to groupCTL, and are specified by e.g., groupPE - > groupTIL for the other contrasts. > > HTH, > > Jim > > > > > > Any assistance in clarifying this matter would be appreciated. Thanks > > > > Ramsi > > > > > > > >>table(group) > > > > group > > CTL PE TIL TNL > > 17 22 12 10 > > > > > >>design.e <- model.matrix(~group) > > > > > >>colnames(design.e) > > > > [1] "(Intercept)" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL" > > > > > >>design.e <- model.matrix(~-1 + group) > > > > > >>colnames(design.e) > > > > [1] "groupCTL" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL" > > > > > >>design.e <- model.matrix(~0 + group) > > > > > >>colnames(design.e) > > > > [1] "groupCTL" "groupPE" "groupTIL" "groupTNL" > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Bioconductor mailing list > > > > >

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