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Last seen 8.4 years ago
nice to meet to you,
now i am planning to convert ENSG id into Gene Symbol based.
would you tell me how to do it ?
regards, thanks in advance !
dear sir,
thank you so much for answer,
what i have tried is as below. i have used bioconductor package "org.Hs.eg.db"
my script;
Warning message:
In tsquamous$symbol <- mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = row.names(tsquamous), :
Coercing LHS to a list
but unfortunately, most of ENSG code is not matched well like below. below is the results of above code.
many "NA" remain.
ENSG00000226051 ENSG00000226053 ENSG00000226067
"ZNF503-AS1" "LOC729987" NA
ENSG00000226085 ENSG00000226091 ENSG00000226121
NA "LINC00937" NA
ENSG00000226137 ENSG00000226194 ENSG00000226200
ENSG00000226210 ENSG00000226232 ENSG00000226259
ENSG00000226287 ENSG00000226312 ENSG00000226314
"TMEM191A" "CFLAR-AS1" "ZNF192P1"
ICGC_0009 ICGC_0021 ICGC_0025 ICGC_0037 ICGC_0054 ICGC_0067
ENSG00000000003 5.375416 5.411612 5.620586 4.902278 4.741611 4.707213
ENSG00000000419 4.587680 4.386663 4.806422 5.209093 4.767072 4.624588
ENSG00000000457 3.638524 3.495744 3.551271 3.879609 4.093864 3.745619
ENSG00000000460 3.214169 3.198682 4.087306 3.256023 3.143017 2.423337
Since you got some results it seems your code is valid. I did a quick check of some genes which yielded "NA", and it appears those are pseudogenes. Likely these were not included in org.Hs.eg.db. You'll probably be able to solve this using BioMart, which is available online from Ensembl (http://www.ensembl.org/biomart/martview/) but also exists as an R package in case you want to automate the conversion (https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/biomaRt.html). For sure the website is straightforward to use.
thank you so much