limma & design matrix: for 2-color dyes and 4-comparisons?
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Last seen 7.0 years ago
Germany/Dresden/ CRTD - DZNE

Hi Everybody,

I have a question regarding limma design matrix. I searched for "limma and design" but could not find an answer for my question. I will be happy if you could send me the link if a similar question has been answered previously!

I am re-analyzing a data set from GEO (GSE74615) to compare with some published microarray data and an RNA-Seq that we have.

I generated the target file as bellow:

FileName    Cy3    Cy5
US12302316_252665511011_S01_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_1.txt    microglia_WT    microglia_AD
US12302316_252665511011_S01_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_2.txt    microglia_AD    microglia_WT
US12302316_252665511011_S01_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_3.txt    microglia_WT    microglia_AD
US12302316_252665511011_S01_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_4.txt    microglia_AD    microglia_WT
US12302316_252665511015_S01_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_1.txt    microglia_WT    microglia_AD
US12302316_252665511015_S01_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_2.txt    microglia_AD    microglia_WT
US12302316_252665511015_S01_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_3.txt    microglia_AD    microglia_WT
US12302316_252665511016_S02_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_1.txt    astrocytes_AD    astrocytes_WT
US12302316_252665511016_S02_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_2.txt    astrocytes_WT    astrocytes_AD
US12302316_252665511016_S02_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_3.txt    astrocytes_WT    astrocytes_AD
US12302316_252665511016_S02_GE2-v5_95_Feb07_1_4.txt    astrocytes_AD    astrocytes_WT

What I want to do for  DE gene analysis is to compare the followings:

1) microglia_AD vs microglia_WT

2) astrocytes_AD vs astrocytes_WT

3) astrocytes_AD vs microglia_AD

4) astrocytes_WT vs microglia_WT

I did the first 2 comparisons with the script below

wtFun <- function(x) as.numeric(x$ControlType == 0)
targets <- readTargets()
microglia <- targets[!(targets$Cy3 %in% "astrocytes_AD") & !(targets$Cy5 %in% "astrocytes_AD"),]
astrocytes <- targets[!(targets$Cy3 %in% "microglia_AD") & !(targets$Cy5 %in% "microglia_AD"),]
#1) microglia_AD vs microglia_WT
RG <- read.maimages(microglia, source = "agilent", annotation = "ProbeName", = wtFun)
RG <- backgroundCorrect(RG, method = "normexp", offset = 50)
MA <- normalizeBetweenArrays(RG, method = "quantile")
MA <- avereps(MA, ID = MA$genes$ProbeName)
design <- modelMatrix(microglia, ref = "microglia_WT")
fit <- lmFit(MA, design)
fit <- eBayes(fit, trend = TRUE)
allResults <- topTable(fit, n = Inf)

#2) astrocytes_AD vs astrocytes_WT
RG <- read.maimages(astrocytes, source = "agilent", annotation = "ProbeName", = wtFun)
RG <- backgroundCorrect(RG, method = "normexp", offset = 50)
MA <- normalizeBetweenArrays(RG, method = "quantile")
MA <- avereps(MA, ID = MA$genes$ProbeName)
design <- modelMatrix(astrocytes, ref = "astrocytes_WT")
fit <- lmFit(MA, design)
fit <- eBayes(fit, trend = TRUE)
allResults <- topTable(fit, n = Inf)

is there an easier way to design a design matrix that can do all the comparisons?

thank you very much in advance,


limma microarray limma design matrix • 1.6k views
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Note first that there was a typo on the 10th line of your targets file, which had "astroyctes" instead of "astrocytes". I have edited your post to fix that, and you should obviously make sure this is correct in your analysis as well.

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Last seen 5 hours ago
WEHI, Melbourne, Australia

The experimental design does not include any direct comparisons between astrocytes and microglia, so you cannot make comparisons 3 and 4 in a conventional two-color microarray analysis. To make the first two comparisons, I would do it like this:​

targets <- readTargets("targets.txt")
RG <- read.maimages(targets, source = "agilent")
keep <- RG$genes$ControlType==0
RG2 <- RG[keep,]
RG2 <- backgroundCorrect(RG2, method = "normexp", offset = 16)
MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(RG2, method = "loess")
dm <- modelMatrix(targets[1:7,], ref="microglia_WT")
da <- modelMatrix(targets[8:11,], ref="astrocytes_WT")
design <- cbind(Dye=1, blockDiag(dm,da))
keep <- rowMeans(MA$A) > 6
fit <- lmFit(MA[keep,], design)
fit <- eBayes(fit, trend=TRUE, robust=TRUE)
topTable(fit, coef="microglia_AD")
topTable(fit, coef="astrocytes_AD")

Note: I made a correction to the design matrix in the above code 14 hours after my original post.

To make all four comparisons that you want to do, it is necessary to undertake a separate channel analysis instead:

targetsC <- targetsA2C(targets)
group <- factor(targetsC$Target)
group <- relevel(group,ref="microglia_WT")
designsc <- model.matrix(~0+group)
colnames(designsc) <- levels(group)
MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(RG2, method = "loess")
MA <- normalizeBetweenArrays(MA, method="Aquantile")
keep <- rowMeans(MA$A) > 6
isc <- intraspotCorrelation(MA[keep,], designsc)
fitsc <- lmscFit(MA[keep,], designsc, isc$consensus)
cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(
   mAD.mWT = microglia_AD - microglia_WT,
   aAD.aWT = astrocytes_AD - astrocytes_WT,
   aAD.mAD = astrocytes_AD - microglia_AD,
   aWT.mWT = astrocytes_WT - microglia_WT,
   levels = designsc
fit2 <-, cont.matrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2, trend=TRUE, robust=TRUE)
topTable(fit2, coef="mAD.mWT")
topTable(fit2, coef="aAD.aWT")
topTable(fit2, coef="aAD.mAD")
topTable(fit2, coef="aWT.mWT")

Note that the separate channel analysis is more powerful and will generally give smaller p-values than the conventional analysis for the same comparisons.

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Hi Gordon,

Thank you very much again and again for your help and answers!

It looks a bit complicated how to generate the design matrix. I will try to understand the logic behind.

However, after running the script the topTable(fit2, coef="mAD.mWT") and topTable(fit, coef="mAD") give different results! At least the top genes differ from each other! Do you think there is mistake here?




topTable(fit2, coef="mAD.mWT")
      Row Col Start                                                     Sequence ProbeUID ControlType     ProbeName    GeneName SystematicName
5127  114  14     0 TGATATTGATGGAGTCTTACCTCTCTGAAACCTTAAGCCCAAATAAATCCTTCCTTCTAT     8485           0 A_55_P2005320      Tm7sf4      NM_029422
> topTable(fit, coef = "mAD")
      Row Col Start                                                     Sequence ProbeUID ControlType     ProbeName GeneName SystematicName
21411 257  69     0 ATGGATTCTACTCTTCCCTCTTTGCCTTGGTGAGGCAGCCCAGGTCGCTGCAGCATCTCT    19358           0 A_55_P2044710    Asb10      NM_080444

R version 3.2.5 (2016-04-14)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 8.1 x64 (build 9600)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252    LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] limma_3.26.9

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] splines_3.2.5  statmod_1.4.24


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Yes, you're right. The separate channel analysis was correct but I created the design matrix incorrectly for the conventional analysis. I have edited the code so that it now correct.

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Thanks a lot Gordon! I really appreciate your help!

best, ilyas.


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