Does DESeq2 or edgeR take care of random effect in the GLM
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Yanzhu Lin ▴ 120
Last seen 8.0 years ago

Dear Community,

My RNA-Seq experiment has three factors: A, B and C. A and B are random effects while C is fixed effect. I would like to fit a mixed model including all of the main effects and interaction terms, i.e.,

model=A  + B + C  + A x B   + A x C  + B x C + A x B x C 

Can DESeq2 or edgeR fit the mixed model? Thanks.

When I searched "DESeq/DESeq2/edgeR random effect", I found this post:

Simon mentioned that uses shrinkage for random effect, and DESeq2 has already considered the shrinkage for dispersion and coefficient.

My Question is: how to use shrinkage in DESeq2 modeling so that I can fit the mixed model mentioned above.



deseq2 edger • 5.0k views
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Unfortunately, I really need the random effects for my analysis, since I will use the variations explain by the random effects to do some calculation.

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You should explain this in more details.

Why can't you use an F test to see whether the effect explains enough variation?

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Last seen 2 hours ago
United States

While DESeq2 does have moderation on the log2 fold changes between conditions, I would not call it a random effects model.

DESeq2 is a strictly fixed effects model, and we apply a zero-centered Gaussian prior to these effects, and report maximum a posteriori estimates as the final log2 fold changes.

A related point I would make is that limma has a function duplicateCorrelation, which allows you to inform that model of the correlation between sets of samples.

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Same for edgeR, only fixed effects are handled. Do you really need random effects for your analysis?

Also, as Mike suggested, duplicateCorrelation with lmFit will give you something similar to a mixed effects model, in that it will account for the correlations between samples at the same level of a blocking factor. But the function only takes one factor for the "random effect", so I don't think it'll support all those interaction terms you have in your original post. You'll have to decide what you want to block on - for example, you could paste A and B together to get a single factor equivalent to A + B + A:B.


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