We used some methods very similar to what had been described in Tsai's 2015 GUIDE-seq Nature paper: break DNA, insert barcode, ligate together, PCR amplification. The major if not only difference is that we used radioactivity instead of CRISPR-cas9 to generate DNA double strand breaks.
I tried the R bioconductor package "GUIDEseq" and the python GUIDE-seq package, and have questions about both methods:
* the R GUIDEseq package: successfully installed, but it requires .bed & .bam files to start with, while all we have are .fastq raw dump from HiSeq.
* the python GUIDE-seq: successfully installed, but when running cutdapt.py, I got the following error:
------------------------------ START -----------------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cutadapt.py", line 61, in <module>
from cutadapt import check_importability
File "/ark/home/mx010/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cutadapt/scripts/cutadapt.py", line 61, in <module>
from cutadapt import check_importability
ImportError: cannot import name check_importability
------------------------------ END -----------------------------------
What should I do? What are the functional differences between the R GUIDEseq package and the python GUIDE-seq? It seems that they are doing different things.
-- Mo