I'd like to use BioNet to identify high-scoring subnetworks in my data.
The tutorial clearly explains how to identify the top scoring subnetwork (I don't have the CPLEX library so I'm using runFastHeinz()
library(BioNet) library(DLBCL) data(dataLym) data(interactome) pvals <- cbind(t=dataLym$t.pval, s=dataLym$s.pval) rownames(pvals) <- dataLym$label pval <- aggrPvals(pvals, order=2, plot=FALSE) subnet <- subNetwork(dataLym$label, interactome) subnet <- rmSelfLoops(subnet) subnet A graphNEL graph with undirected edges Number of Nodes = 2559 Number of Edges = 7788 fb <- fitBumModel(pval, plot=FALSE) scores <- scoreNodes(subnet, fb, fdr=0.001) module <- runFastHeinz(subnet, scores) module A graphNEL graph with undirected edges Number of Nodes = 37 Number of Edges = 44
But what about other high-scoring subnetworks? It is likely that in a network with 2259 nodes there will be other interesting active subnetworks to explore other than the first one. How can I retrieve these?
Bonus question: are there any parameters that I can set to increase or decrease the size of the resulting subnetworks?
Thank you.
Thanks Branislav, that sounds like a reasonable (although not ideal) workaround.
Hopefully someone from the dev team can step in and comment.