I'm using edgeR and I aim to find differentially expressed genes for 12 contrasts, like following:
fit <- glmFit(dge,design) cont <- c('oneA-oneB', 'twoA-twoB', 'threeA-threeB', 'oneA-twoA', 'oneA-threeA', 'twoA-threeA', 'oneB-twoB', 'oneB-threeB', 'twoB-threeB', '(oneA-oneB)-(twoA-twoB)', '(oneA-oneB)-(threeA-threeB)', '(twoA-twoB)-(threeA-threeB)') c.fit <- glmLRT(fit, contrast = mc) res <- topTags(c.fit,adjust.method = "fdr",n = Inf)$table
> dim(res) [1] 19859 9
Which includes the first 5 contrasts and the following statistics:
logCPM LR PValue FDR
I can do the contrast one by one like
c.fit <- glmLRT(fit, contrast = mc[,1])
But I'm interested to do it all at once in one run.
Could anybody help and show where I do a mistake or what I have to do to get all my contrasts at once?
Thanks in advance and looking forward.