Hi, I'm a new to learning DESeq,
I am having a similar problem that has been talked about here. This is the error:
Error in Ops.factor(a$V1, l[[1]]$V1) :
level sets of factors are different
In addition: Warning message:
In is.na(e1) | is.na(e2) :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
This is the script I am using:
files = c("merged_sample_2.bam_htseq_out.txt","merged_sample_11.bam_htseq_out.txt","merged_sample_20.bam_htseq_out.txt","merged_sample_3.bam_htseq_out.txt","merged_sample_12.bam_htseq_out.txt","merged_sample_21.bam_htseq_out.txt")
cond = c("GFP","GFP","GFP","DBM","DBM","DBM")
sTable = data.frame(sampleName = files, fileName = files, condition = cond)
dds <-DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable=sTable, directory = "/Volumes/cachannel/RNA_SEQ/Notch_RNASeq/in_silico_test/DESeq", design = ~condition)
I also tried running this code from the command line to filter the count files as seen in a different post:
cut -f merged_sample_2.bam_htseq_out.txt | sort | uniq -c
But got this error:
cut: [-cf] list: illegal list value
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!