I'm trying to understand what exprs() function does to an AffyBatch Object. I would expect to get a matrix with a row for every gene/probeset and a column for every sample.
> library(affydata) > data(Dilution) > Dilution AffyBatch object size of arrays=640x640 features (35221 kb) cdf=HG_U95Av2 (12625 affyids) number of samples=4 number of genes=12625 annotation=hgu95av2 notes= > head(exprs(Dilution)) 20A 20B 10A 10B 1 149.0 112.0 129.0 60.0 2 1153.5 575.3 1262.3 564.8 3 142.0 98.0 128.0 56.0 4 1051.0 597.0 1269.0 570.0 5 91.0 77.0 90.0 46.0 6 136.0 133.0 117.0 62.0 > dim(exprs(Dilution)) [1] 409600 4
As you can see, I get a matrix of 409600 rows, instead of 12625 (the number of genes).
I don't understand what the rows of this matrix represent. Do they represent probe cells?
Thank you.
EDIT: I've just noticed that 640*640=409600. Anyway, I still don't understand what these numbers represent.
There is some one with what looks like the same question on stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6410601/extract-raw-data-from-affybatch-object. I think these are probes that map back to the genes.
What are the rows of the matrix, give an example?
I've edited the main post