I am using DiffBind to assess the H3K27me3 chipseq binding differences between two conditions. I am using default settings. I would like to visualize differentially bound regions in IGV/UCSC Genome Browser. I have generated RPM normalized bigwig files for visualization. However some of the sites that DiffBind identified, don't look differentially bound when I look at those regions in IGV. The reason is probably because DiffBind does TMM normalization, which is different than RPM normalization. My question is that how can I plot the signal and show differentially bound regions? Is there a way to generate TMM normalized bigWig files from bam files? My other question is that DiffBind gives me around 2000 regions that are differentially bound and almost all of them have positive fold change in one condition, is it normal? When I look at the mean RPKM fold changes they are not correlated with dba.report output fold changes. Is it expected?