Dear all,
I have downloaded some Roadmap files:
library(AnnotationHub) ah = AnnotationHub() E096.broadPeak.tracks <- lapply( X = c("AH29560","AH29561","AH29562","AH29563","AH29564","AH29565"), FUN = function(record){ah[[record]]})
To my surprise, the qValue column shows larger -log10 values than the pValue column, e.g.:
GRanges object with 654611 ranges and 6 metadata columns: seqnames ranges strand | name score signalValue pValue qValue peak <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> [1] chr16 [58585453, 58585749] * | Rank_1 90 <NA> 6.75724 11.99359 9.03636 [2] chr18 [12985202, 12985439] * | Rank_2 88 <NA> 7.13022 11.78810 8.83747
I have looked at to try and understand, but I remain confused.
I will also contact directly the Roadmap project for this, but I thought that 1) someone here might be able to clarify this for me, and 2) it may be of interest to other people here.
Thanks in advance,