Hello, I am having a merging issue with cytofkit version 1.2.4 run on R 3.2.4.
I am trying to run an analysis on couples of .fcs files. Unfortunately I cannot post the files as they are confidential.
Here's the code and the error message:
files <- list.files(path="C:/Users/data", pattern='.fcs$', full=TRUE)
paraFile <- list.files(path="C:/Users/data", pattern='.txt$', full=TRUE)
parameters <- as.character(read.table(paraFile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)[, 1])
merged_ID047<-cytof_exprsMerge(ID_047, markers=parameters,fixedNum = 500)
Error in y@f(x[, y@input]) :
Logicle Exception: DidNotConverge: scale() didn't converge
I can't figure out what is wrong. I have tried with the GUI with the same results. Can anybody help?
For completeness, here's the output of traceback()
10: .Call("logicle_transform", as.double(x), as.double(t), as.double(w),
as.double(m), as.double(a))
9: y@f(x[, y@input])
8: translist %on% `_data`
7: translist %on% `_data`
6: .local(`_data`, ...)
5: flowCore::transform(fcs, trans)
4: flowCore::transform(fcs, trans)
3: (function (fcsFile, comp = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, markers = NULL,
transformMethod = "auto_lgcl", scaleTo = NULL, w = 0.1, t = 4000,
m = 4.5, a = 0, q = 0.05)
name <- sub(".fcs", "", basename(fcsFile))
if (verbose) {
fcs <- read.FCS(fcsFile)
else {
fcs <- suppressWarnings(read.FCS(fcsFile))
if (comp == TRUE) {
if (comp && !is.null(fcs@description$SPILL)) {
fcs <- applyComp(fcs, "SPILL")
else if (comp && !is.null(fcs@description$SPILLOVER)) {
fcs <- applyComp(fcs, "SPILLOVER")
else if (comp && !is.null(fcs@description$COMP)) {
fcs <- applyComp(fcs, "COMP")
pd <- fcs@parameters@data
if (!(is.null(markers))) {
right_marker <- markers %in% pd$desc || markers %in%
if (!(right_marker)) {
stop("\n Selected marker(s) is not in the input fcs files \n please check your selected markers! \n")
else {
desc_id <- match(markers, pd$desc)
name_id <- match(markers, pd$name)
mids <- c(desc_id, name_id)
marker_id <- unique(mids[!is.na(mids)])
else {
marker_id <- 1:ncol(fcs@exprs)
if (transformMethod == "auto_lgcl") {
trans <- auto_lgcl(fcs, channels = colnames(fcs@exprs)[marker_id])
transformed <- flowCore::transform(fcs, trans)
exprs <- transformed@exprs[, marker_id]
else if (transformMethod == "fixed_lgcl") {
trans <- flowCore::logicleTransform(w = w, t = t, m = m,
a = a)
exprs <- apply(fcs@exprs[, marker_id], 2, trans)
else if (transformMethod == "arcsin") {
trans <- flowCore::arcsinhTransform(a = 1, b = 1, c = 1)
exprs <- apply(fcs@exprs[, marker_id], 2, trans)
else if (transformMethod == "biexp") {
trans <- flowCore::biexponentialTransform(a = 0.5, b = 1,
c = 0.5, d = 1, f = 0, w = 0)
exprs <- apply(fcs@exprs[, marker_id], 2, trans)
else {
stop("transformMethod [", transformMethod, "] doesn't exist for cytofkit!")
if (!is.null(scaleTo)) {
exprs <- apply(exprs, 2, function(x) scaleData(x, scaleTo))
col_names <- paste0(pd$name, "<", pd$desc, ">")
colnames(exprs) <- col_names[marker_id]
row.names(exprs) <- paste(name, 1:nrow(exprs), sep = "_")
})(dots[[1L]][[1L]], comp = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, markers = c("162Dy_CD45RA",
"164Dy_CD20", "166Er_CD33", "167Er_CD28", "168Er_CD24", "170Er_CD161",
"151Eu_CD38", "153Eu_CD11b", "155Gd_CCR6", "156Gd_CD94", "157Gd_CD86",
"158Gd_CXCR5", "160Gd_CCR7", "165Ho_CD127", "113In_CD57", "175Lu_HLADR",
"142Nd_CD19", "143Nd_CD4", "144Nd_CD8", "146Nd_IgD", "148Nd_CD11c",
"150Nd_CD3", "147Sm_CD85j", "149Sm_CD16", "152Sm_CD27", "154Sm_CD14",
"159Tb_CXCR3", "169Tm_ICOS", "171Yb_TCRgd", "172Yb_PD-1", "173Yb_CD123",
"174Yb_CD56", "176Yb_CD25"), transformMethod = "auto_lgcl", scaleTo = NULL,
w = 0.1, t = 4000, m = 4.5, a = 0, q = 0.05)
2: mapply(cytof_exprsExtract, fcsFiles, MoreArgs = list(comp = comp,
verbose = verbose, markers = markers, transformMethod = transformMethod,
scaleTo = scaleTo, w = w, t = t, m = m, a = a, q = q), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
1: cytof_exprsMerge(ID_047, markers = parameters, fixedNum = 500)
And the output of sessionInfo()
R version 3.2.4 Revised (2016-03-16 r70336)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)
[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] cytofkit_1.2.4 plyr_1.8.3 ggplot2_2.1.0
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] gtools_3.5.0 reshape2_1.4.1 splines_3.2.4 lattice_0.20-33
[5] tcltk_3.2.4 pcaPP_1.9-60 colorspace_1.2-6 htmltools_0.3.5
[9] stats4_3.2.4 mgcv_1.8-12 flowCore_1.36.9 e1071_1.6-7
[13] BiocGenerics_0.16.1 matrixStats_0.50.1 foreach_1.4.3 robustbase_0.92-5
[17] stringr_1.0.0 munsell_0.4.3 pdist_1.2 gtable_0.2.0
[21] caTools_1.17.1 mvtnorm_1.0-5 codetools_0.2-14 VGAM_1.0-1
[25] Biobase_2.30.0 permute_0.9-0 doParallel_1.0.10 httpuv_1.3.3
[29] parallel_3.2.4 class_7.3-14 DEoptimR_1.0-4 Rcpp_0.12.4
[33] KernSmooth_2.23-15 xtable_1.8-2 corpcor_1.6.8 scales_0.4.0
[37] gdata_2.17.0 vegan_2.3-5 graph_1.48.0 mime_0.4
[41] gplots_3.0.1 RANN_2.5 digest_0.6.9 stringi_1.0-1
[45] Rtsne_0.10 shiny_0.13.2 grid_3.2.4 tools_3.2.4
[49] bitops_1.0-6 magrittr_1.5 cluster_2.0.3 rrcov_1.3-11
[53] Matrix_1.2-4 MASS_7.3-45 reshape_0.8.5 iterators_1.0.8
[57] R6_2.1.2 igraph_1.0.1 nlme_3.1-125
That fixed it, thanks a lot!
I should mention that the same files were analysed without any issue using cytofkit 1.2.0. Were any changes in the default transformation method applied between the two versions?
Thank you again,
I see an error when I load all my fcs files on the R console. The error reads as follows: Error in fcs@exprs[cellNo_i, ] : subscript out of bounds. Does it mean the I cannot load that many files together? Help appreciated.