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Getting an extremely reproducible segfault in R versions 3.2.4, 3.2.2, 3.1.0 in Bioconductor versions 3.1 and 3.0 on both 64-bit Windows 10 and 64-bit Centos 6.6.
What causes the error:
affinities <- compute.affinities2("PrimeView") cels_gcrma <- gcrma(cels, affinity.info = affinities, type = "affinities")
All output:
.Done. Warning messages: 1: replacing previous import by ‘utils::tail’ when loading ‘primeviewcdf’ 2: replacing previous import by ‘utils::head’ when loading ‘primeviewcdf’ 3: xy2i is deprecated and will be removed in the next BioC release. Use xy2indices in the affy package instead. Adjusting for optical effect.....................................................................................................................................................................................Done. Adjusting for non-specific binding. *** caught segfault *** address 0x611aaa38, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: runmed(x[O], 21) 2: bg.parameters.ns(ncs[index.affinities], anc, apm) 3: bg.adjust.affinities(pms[, i], ncs = mms[, i], apm = pm.affinities, anc = mm.affinities, index.affinities, k = k, fast = fast) 4: gcrma.engine(pms = pm(object), mms = mm(object), ncs, pm.affinities = pm(affinity.info), mm.affinities = mm(affinity.info), anc, type = type, k = k, stretch = stretch, correction = correction, GSB.adjust = GSB.adjust, rho = rho, verbose = verbose, fast = fast) 5: bg.adjust.gcrma(object, affinity.info = affinity.info, affinity.source = affinity.source, NCprobe = NCprobe, type = type, k = k, stretch = stretch, correction = correction, GSB.adjust = GSB.adjust, rho = rho, optical.correct = optical.correct, verbose = verbose, fast = fast) 6: gcrma(cels, affinity.info = affinities, type = "affinities")
The appropriate version of Bioconductor for R-3.2.4 is 3.2. Have you tried that? Please do so and if it still fails, edit your question to include the output of
I tried to run your code but you don't show how
is defined.You should run the following to see if your packages are up to date (too old or too new):