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Of interest to those of you seeking gainful employment
----- Forwarded message from Giovanni Parmigiani <gp@jhu.edu> -----
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 09:30:24 -0500
From: Giovanni Parmigiani <gp@jhu.edu>
Subject: forwarded message from Mike West
To: Giovanni Parmigiani <gp@jhu.edu>
X-Mailer: VM 6.96 under Emacs 20.7.1
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 07:59:47 -0500
From: Mike West <mw@stat.duke.edu>
Subject: ps
To: Giovanni Parmigiani <gp@jhu.edu>
Organization: ISDS, Duke University
User-Agent: KMail/1.4.1
Original-recipient: rfc822;gparmig1@jhem.jhmi.edu
I'd much apprecaite your help in advertising the new positions -- can
you please forward the ad (pasted below again) to all that may be
interested -- and any email list(s) you have of folks in the
stats/genomics world?
Thanks, Mike
Please circulate
Faculty Positions at Duke University
The Computational and Applied Genomics Program (CAGP) at Duke
University is a multidisciplinary program concerned with the
creation, modeling, analysis and integration of genomic information
into basic and clinical biomedical studies. CAGP research interlaces
with a number of the Duke departments and centers of the Duke
Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy (IGSP). CAGP research
includes statistical theory and methods, computational statistics,
computational biology, molecular biology, genomics, and
translational clinical research. Current applications involve
collaborations with IGSP centers and other Duke programs in cancer,
cardiovascular disease, the neurosciences and other biomedical fields.
The Program is co-directed by Professors Mike West (Statistics and
Decision Sciences) and Joseph Nevins (Molecular Genetics and
CAGP cancer projects are expanding. Under the auspices of IGSP,
Duke University and Duke University Medical Center will appoint
several new faculty members to be associated with these projects.
Positions available currently are for faculty in areas that include:
* Statistical sciences, with interests in computational biology
and medical genomics,
* Computational sciences and bioinformatics, with interests in
medical genomics, and
* Cancer biology, with interests in basic and clinical research.
Applicants with interests in breast cancer genomics are particularly
encouraged. Duke's IGSP offers exceptional and unique opportunities
for outstanding disciplinary researchers in statistics, computational
science and biomedical science whose vision and commitment is to
interdisciplinary computational genomics in medicine. Appointees
will have faculty homes in an appropriate academic department, and
be supported by generous start-up packages from the IGSP. Positions
are available immediately and applications will be reviewed until
the positions are filled.
Further details, including application procedures and contact
information, can be found at www.cagp.duke.edu. Salary, terms and
benefits are very competitive. Applications from suitably qualified
women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged. Duke
University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
----- End forwarded message -----
| Robert Gentleman phone : (617) 632-5250
| Associate Professor fax: (617) 632-2444
| Department of Biostatistics office: M1B20
| Harvard School of Public Health email:
rgentlem@jimmy.dfci.harvard.edu |