I have signed up to the shiny-server website as I am using a Mac and find it difficult to install the software necessary to make a server difficult.
having signed in I then use the following code:
rsconnect::setAccountInfo(name='tb-project-with-limma', token='6D6FF245028735CCD75C11E105605C98', secret=<insert_secret>)
library(rsconnect) rsconnect::deployApp('path/to/your/app')
In the directory of interest, there is a script called "app.R" as instructed by the website. However, it seems to work up until the following error:
"Uploading bundle for application: 92144...--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Deploying bundle: 410218 for application: 92144 ...
Error: HTTP 409
POST https://api.shinyapps.io/v1/applications/92144/deploy
Unable to dispatch task for application-92144: 1 tasks in progress"
A server page only appears on my browser if there's an error in the code to return the error eg. "Cannot install packages".
But when the code is error-free, no server page appears and only the following error is returned:
"building: Fetching packages
################################ Begin Task Log ################################
################################# End Task Log #################################
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 179105393 error: Unhandled Exception: HTTP 599: Stream closed"
Any tips?