how to annotate GenomicRanges objects with genome build
Last seen 9 weeks ago
CUNY Graduate School of Public Health a…
Is there any "standard" or "recommended" way to annotate the metadata of GenomicRanges objects with the reference genome, in particular GRangesList and RangedSummarizedExperiment? I looked to parathyroidSE for an answer, and the closest I found was:
> metadata(rowRanges(parathyroidGenesSE))$genomeInfo$`BioMart dataset version`
[1] "GRCh37.p11"
Last seen 3.3 years ago
United States
Unless I misunderstand, it's just:
genome(parathyroidGenesSE) <- "GRCh37"
Last seen 9 weeks ago
CUNY Graduate School of Public Health a…
Thanks Michael. I can for the objects I care about, although not for parathyroideGenesSE:
> library(parathyroidSE)
> data(parathyroidGenesSE)
> genome(parathyroidGenesSE) <- "GRCh37"
Error in methods::slot(object, name) :
no slot of name "call" for this object of class "GRangesList"
> class(parathyroidGenesSE)
[1] "RangedSummarizedExperiment"
[1] "SummarizedExperiment"
> seqinfo(parathyroidGenesSE)
Seqinfo object with 580 sequences (1 circular) from an unspecified genome:
seqnames seqlengths isCircular genome
1 249250621 FALSE <NA>
2 243199373 FALSE <NA>
3 198022430 FALSE <NA>
4 191154276 FALSE <NA>
5 180915260 FALSE <NA>
... ... ... ...
LRG_94 12428 FALSE <NA>
LRG_96 93210 FALSE <NA>
LRG_97 25996 FALSE <NA>
LRG_98 18750 FALSE <NA>
LRG_99 13294 FALSE <NA>
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Please comment rather than answer. Also, please provide
.A workaround seems to be
genome(rowRanges(parathyroidGenesSE)) = "GRCh37"
.Thanks for the reminder about commenting Michael, and for the workaround Martin. But FYI my `sessionInfo()` is: