I am using edgeR to look for differential expression. I am struggling to export data generated in edgeR (specifically DGELRT-class information, produced after the QL F-test) and convert it to .csv file.
The edgeR package has excellent documentation for working within the package. My only frustrating is exporting data, it does not seem there is an easy way to get the results of the QL F-test. I do not see this addressed in the examples contained the user guide. The user manual addresses subsetting, but this simply makes another DGELRT class. I cannot find the Extract option in the baseline package. I am unclear of what the “baseline package” is, as there is edgeR and edge in Bioconductor.
Can anyone help me or provide me with resources/guidance to take a DGELRT value and make it a data object in R (to be written as a .csv file)?
Thank you Aaron. I am wondering if you know how to write the .csv file with both the topTags (statistical analysis) and the original counts read ( in the "$fitted. value") together into one csv file?