From the wonderful edgeR user manual (sections 3.3.1 p. 32 and section 3.3.3 p. 34) we find two different approaches:
(1) each treatment is a different group, and tests are done between groups.
(2) treatment effects over all times (e. g. either drug conc. 1 or drug conc. 2 versus baseline).
The current dataset I am looking at has seven groups:
- 1x control.
- 3x of drug A, 3x of drug B.
...with a batch effect uncorrelated to treatment.
The different groups for the drugs are different concentrations, but the three concentrations for A are not the same as the three concentrations for B.
So far, I have just used approach (1) and compared each of the six experimental groups (3 replicates each, design matrix modeled by treatment group and batch) with the control and gotten six lists of differentially expressed genes.
Is this defensible, or would (2) have been a better choice, one for each drug? What are the pros and cons of each approach?