I'd like to get some help on my RNAseq data analysis with DESeq2. The experiment is balanced design with multiple factors with biological/technical replicates.
> coldata group variety treatment BeC-1 T Be control BeC-2 T Be control BeT-1 T Be treated BeT-2 T Be treated LoC-1 S Lo control LoC-2 S Lo control LoT-1 S Lo treated LoT-2 S Lo treated NiC-1 T Ni control NiC-2 T Ni control NiT-1 T Ni treated NiT-2 T Ni treated SaC-1 T Sa control SaC-2 T Sa control SaT-1 T Sa treated SaT-2 T Sa treated SoC-1 S So control SoC-2 S So control SoT-1 S So treated SoT-2 S So treated ViC-1 S Vi control ViC-2 S Vi control ViT-1 S Vi treated ViT-2 S Vi treated
To eliminate the "model matrix is not full rank" as suggested in the manual, I used:
> coldata$ind.n <- factor(rep(rep(1:2, each=2), 2) > model.matrix(~ group + group:ind.n + group:variety, coldata) > dds <- DESeq(ddsHTSeq)
Now I want to test the significance for factors:
1) between groups: T vs S;
2) among varieties,
3) between control vs treated for each variety: i.e. what are the genes differentially expressed for each variety Be, Lo, Ni, Sa, So and Vi.
I have tried 2) as following:
>results(dds, contrast=c("treatment", "treated", "control")) >results(dds, contrast=c("group", "T", "S"))
But I am not sure for each individual variety, sth like this?
>results(dds, contrast=c("group$T.Be", "treated", "control")) >results(dds, contrast=c("group$T.Lo", "treated", "control"))
Thanks a lot!
I'm going to 'Add Comment' here to begin a threaded discussion.
So there are some conceptual issues with testing T vs S, because you also have the different varieties, and want to make inference on these as well. It makes it not so clear what exactly you want to test. The varieties are not random samples within the groups. These are a specifically chosen set of varieties.
When you say you want to test T vs S, or across varieties, do you mean test the control samples? Or do you mean test the treatment vs control effect across T and S, or across varieties? In other words testing if the fold change is different across group or variety?
What I might recommend is an approach where you can test treatment vs control within a variety, and you can also test where treatment vs control differs between two varieties that you choose.
But I need a bit more precise information to help direct you.