I was just wondering why this code doesn't produce an error?
Best regards,
I'm using IRanges_2.2.9
I was just wondering why this code doesn't produce an error?
Best regards,
I'm using IRanges_2.2.9
I think you mean why can the start be larger than the end? If the start is 1 less than the end, it indicates an empty range.
Zero-width ranges are used to represent insertion points. It might be a little bit shocking at first to see a start that is equal to end + 1 but that's because we use a representation where the interval is closed on both sides:
IRanges(11, width=3:0) # IRanges of length 4 # start end width # [1] 11 13 3 # [2] 11 12 2 # [3] 11 11 1 # [4] 11 10 0
The last range is a zero-width range. It represents an insertion between positions 10 and 11. Yes it might be a little bit shocking to see that it ends before it even started but... what else could the start and end be for this range?
For example such zero-width range can be used to perform an insertion in a DNA sequence:
library(Biostrings) ## Insert 3 nucleotides between positions 10 and 11: replaceAt(DNAString("AAAAATTTTTGG"), IRanges(11, 10), "ACA") ## 15-letter "DNAString" instance ## seq: AAAAATTTTTACAGG
Hope this helps,
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Why do you think it should produce an error? The starting position of a range has nothing to do with the width.