I have several gtf-files and a gff3 file representing different sets of genes. I want to count the expression using HTSeq-count and input them all to DESeq2. But I am not sure what is the best approach. I was thinking that I could simply concatenate all the gtf and gff3 files, but some of the gtf-files have some overlapping gene names (with different isoforms), and the gff3-file will not be identical if I convert i to gtf. And if I count all the files separately, can I then concatenate the files later? What about the last few "special" lines produced by HTSeq if I use the HTSeq-import function in DESeq2?
I might also use Cuffdiff for comparison later, so I guess my question will also apply to Cuffdiff.
If you want to combine your annotation files, an alternative way will be to read in your gtf/gff files into R and then you will get Data Frame objects for your annotation. You can then combine your data frames and run featureCounts in Rsubread package to get counts. FeatureCounts only needs to have five columns of annotation data including gene id, chr, start, end and stand. Therefore your data frames can be easily merged. Type ?featureCounts for more details.