Good morning,
I've been having an issue trying to look for DGE in edgeR. My main problem is that the FDR of ALL genes is 1.
I have data for 5 timepoints, and two different conditions for each one (Control and treatment). Additionally, there is a starting point sample (time 0, no treatment). This makes a total of 11 groups (ie., Time1.Control, Time1.TreatmentB...Time5.Control, Time5.TreatmentB ). I have ~4 biological replicates for each sample (~45 files in total).
My intention is to do pairwise comparisons across time to look at how treatment and time affect expression of genes (TreatmentvsControl@Time1... TreatmentvsControl@Time3 ...TreatmentvsControl@Time5).
I'm using GLM models to adjust data to a design using model.matrix(~0+Group). I'm following the edgeR manual but I haven't found a way to account for my problem.
When looking at the MDS plots, the samples don't separate really well by any condition (the most striking example is that when I color the sample by treatment (control vs treatment)).
Here is part of the code:
> Yglm <-DGEList(counts=GeneCounts, group=phenoInfo$TT)
## Normalize data and adjust using GLMs
> Yglm <- calcNormFactors(Yglm)
# Estimate dispersions
> Yglm <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(Yglm, design)
> Yglm <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(Yglm, design)
> Yglm <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(Yglm, design)
# Fit:
> Fitglm <- glmFit(Yglm,design)
> my.contrasts <- makeContrasts(
# High vs Sufficient
levels = design)
> lrt <- glmLRT(Fitglm, contrast=my.contrasts[,tm1_TvC])
> lrt <- topTags(llrt,n=Inf, = "none")$table
> print(summary(de <- decideTestsDGE(lrt))
#MA plot
> detags <- rownames(Yglm)[as.logical(de)]
plotSmear(lrt.temp, de.tags=detags,main=eachContrast,cex=0.2)
abline(h=c(-2, 2), col="blue")
Has anyone ever had a similar problem? How can I solve this issue?