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Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I look at the slot genes in fit2 (fit2$genes) and selected.dif. Both
have the some number of genes.
But, when I try
I get a error message:
Error in "[.default"(fit2$genes, , selected.dif) :
incorrect number of dimensions
If I use topTable and set the coef slot to 1, 2 or 3 I get the DE
genes, but, I suppose that in these case the list of genes are
different from the example in usersguide. Or not?
I make 3 contrast before fit the values, then I get 3 coef in fit2.
Could be this the cause of error message? In the usersguide there are
2 contrasts.
Marcus Davy escreveu:
>The gene annotation information is usually a list component called
'genes' within the output object from lmFit, and eBayes. This gets
used in the construction of the table of the top-ranked genes using
>Have a look at fit2$genes (for your object fit2).
>Your R expression has just provided a logical vector of corrected
p-values for genes <0.05 based on the B&H's stepup FDR control, try:
>>>>Marcelo Luiz de Laia <mlaia@fcav.unesp.br> 17/02/2005 12:08:53 PM
>I have been analyse a time course experiment with limma and I get the
>end of section 16 in userguide very well.
>But, I don't know how do I do to get the names of genes
>For example, I do:
>selected.dif <- p.adjust(fit2$F.p.value, method="fdr") < 0.05
>In object *selected.dif* I see that there are a lot of TRUE, but I
>know is their names!
>Any help is very appreciated.
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