My name is Mahes Muniandy and I am a doctoral student working on twin data. I would like to compare the gene expression (Affymetrix HGU133 plus 2) between lean and obese people and see how sex (Male/Female) affects the gene expression. So, I would like to do within twin-pair differences (26 twin pairs) and see which genes are expressed differently in obesity in males and females. Can someone advise me if I am on the right track with my design matrix and limma approach below?
Here is what I have.
LG <- paste(targets$Gender, targets$LeanStatus, sep=".") LG <- factor(LG, levels=c("F.O","F.L","M.O","M.L")) Pairs <- factor(c("T1","T1","T2","T2","T3","T3","T4","T4","T5","T5","T6","T6","T7","T8","T8","T7","T9","T9","T10","T10","T11","T11","T12","T12","T13","T13","T14","T14","T15","T15","T16","T16","T17","T17","T18","T18","T19","T19","T20","T20","T21","T21","T22","T22","T23","T23","T24","T24","T25","T26", "T26", "T25")) design <- model.matrix(~Pairs+LG) colnames(design) <- levels(LG) fit <- lmFit(eset, design) cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(OvsLinF=F.O-F.L, OvsLinM=M.O-M.L, Diff=(M.O-M.L)-(F.O-F.L), levels=design) fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.matrix) fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
Is this the best design for this kind of comparison?
Many Thanks,
Mahes Muniandy,
Obesity Research Unit,
University of Helsinki