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Vinicius Henrique da Silva
Last seen 19 months ago
I would like to use the 'Ax2APT' function from 'affy2sv' package in Horse Axiom files. That´s how my code look like:
library(affy2sv) Ax2APT( cel.files="/home/user/rawData/Axiom_Horse/Axiom_MNEc670", output.path="/home/user/penncnvData", analysis.path="/home/user/libraryData", xml.dqc=" Axiom_MNEc670.r1.apt-geno-qc.AxiomQC1.xml", xml.config.1="Axiom_MNEc670_96orMore_Step1.r1.apt-probeset-genotype.AxiomGT1.xml", xml.config.2="Axiom_MNEc670_96orMore_Step2.r1.apt-probeset-genotype.AxiomGT1.xml")
However, I am getting this error:
Error in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) : cannot open the connection In addition: Warning message: In file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) : cannot open file 'tmp.ax.apt.75854750511.1': Permission denied
The folder exist and I have permission to write and read there. Some idea?