MSGFgui tries to locate from a nonexistent UCSC source
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Last seen 8.8 years ago
United States

Hello everyone, I recently came across the MSGFgui packages for R ( I use command-line MS-GF+ regularly, but would like to utilize the visualization in the GUI. This is perhaps a long post, but please bear with me.

In R 3.2.3, I have installed MSGFplus and MSGFgui (and their dependencies) using biocLite.

I've loaded the program libraries using library(MSGFplus) followed by library(MSGFgui).

I can get the "web" interface to load in Google Chrome using MSGFgui().

However, when I actually attempt to run the GUI (i.e. load mzML and reference FASTA files, and hit "analyze"), it kicks the following error in my R console:


First time using MSGFplus: Downloading MS-GF+ code
trying URL ''
Warning in download.file("",  :
  cannot open URL '': HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
Warning: Unhandled error in observer: cannot open URL ''
    if (input$analysisButton == 0) 
    if (input$analysisButton != analysisButtonCount) {
        dataFiles <<- isolate({
        currentPar <<- isolate({
        analysisButtonCount <<- input$analysisButton
        currentAnalysis <<- runMSGF(currentPar, dataFiles[1], 
            async = TRUE)
        progressBarData$max <<- length(dataFiles)
        progressBarData$value <<- 1
        session$sendCustomMessage(type = "progressBar", list(max = isolate({
        }), value = isolate({
        }) - 0.75, text = paste0("Analyzing ", basename(dataFiles[1])), 
            done = FALSE))
    if (length(dataFiles)) {
        if (finished(currentAnalysis)) {
            session$sendCustomMessage(type = "progr [... truncated]


The output of sessionInfo() is:

R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] shiny_0.12.2         MSGFgui_1.4.0        xlsx_0.5.7           xlsxjars_0.6.1       rJava_0.9-7         
[6] mzR_2.4.0            Rcpp_0.12.2          MSGFplus_1.4.0       BiocInstaller_1.20.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] BiocGenerics_0.16.1 doParallel_1.0.10   xtable_1.8-0        R6_2.1.1            foreach_1.4.3      
 [6] plyr_1.8.3          tools_3.2.3         parallel_3.2.3      mzID_1.8.0          Biobase_2.30.0     
[11] shinyFiles_0.6.0    htmltools_0.2.6     ProtGenerics_1.2.1  iterators_1.0.8     digest_0.6.8       
[16] RJSONIO_1.3-0       codetools_0.2-14    mime_0.4            XML_3.98-1.3        jsonlite_0.9.19    
[21] httpuv_1.3.3 


It appears that MSGFgui is trying to get MSGFplus from a nonexistent source at UCSC. This seems odd, since I have installed MS-GF+ as a command-line program and (I think) as an R/bioconductor package. Is there a way to direct MSGFgui to the appropriate install location? I'd love to give this package a try for my research.

Thanks for your help! 


MSGFplus MSGFgui software error • 1.9k views
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Last seen 8.7 years ago
Copenhagen, Denmark

It seems that the MSGF+ source has been moved (though Sangtae Kim promised me it would be a safe link - he probably forgot :-). While I cook up an official workaround you should be able to bypass this by moving your own MSGFPlus.jar file into the location given by this R command:

file.path(system.file(package='MSGFplus'), 'MSGFPlus') 

The only caveat is that MSGFplus and MSGFgui might not be tested with the MS-GF+ version your using... Unless some huge unknown changes has occurred it should work though... I'll post once an official fix is live...

Entering edit mode

It is not generally a good idea to install into a system.file location (I guess that's what is implied by the workaround?). It may not be writeable by non-administrative users.

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I see your point, but I would argue (probably badly) that this type of package would always be user installed - i.e. located a place where the user has write access. I very much prefer to have all package related files in one place

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Last seen 8.8 years ago
United States

Thanks for the advice! It's always nice to ask a question, go to bed, and wake up to an answer. I'll keep an eye out on GitHub for an update.

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Last seen 8.8 years ago
United States

OK, an update: The above fix that Thomas posted (thanks Thomas) got MSGFgui to "see" the symlink to the MSGFPlus.jar file in another directory. I think there's now a problem with Shiny (the error message below returns some Google hits to this program):

MS-GF+ Beta (v9517) (4/10/2013)
Loading database files...
Creating /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/leiser/Desktop/SEDP/ENDO/<MyReferenceFileName>.revCat.fasta.
Creating the suffix array indexed file... Size: 2617243
AlphabetSize: 22
Suffix creation: 0.00% complete.
Sorting 0.00% complete.
Sorting 19.40% complete.
Sorting 38.81% complete.
Sorting 58.21% complete.
Sorting 77.62% complete.
Sorting 97.02% complete.
Loading database finished (elapsed time: 2.97 sec)
Reading spectra...
Ignoring 0 profile spectra.
Ignoring 32 spectra having less than 20 peaks.
Reading spectra finished (elapsed time: 21.84 sec)
Using 7 threads.
Spectrum 0-6675 (total: 6676)
pool-1-thread-1: Preprocessing spectra...
pool-1-thread-2: Preprocessing spectra...
pool-1-thread-3: Preprocessing spectra...
pool-1-thread-4: Preprocessing spectra...
pool-1-thread-7: Preprocessing spectra...
pool-1-thread-6: Preprocessing spectra...
pool-1-thread-5: Preprocessing spectra...
pool-1-thread-1: Preprocessing spectra finished (elapsed time: 8.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-1: Database search...
pool-1-thread-1: Database search progress... 0.0% complete
pool-1-thread-1: Database search progress... 76.4% complete
pool-1-thread-7: Preprocessing spectra finished (elapsed time: 11.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-7: Database search...
pool-1-thread-7: Database search progress... 0.0% complete
pool-1-thread-2: Preprocessing spectra finished (elapsed time: 11.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-2: Database search...
pool-1-thread-2: Database search progress... 0.0% complete
pool-1-thread-1: Database search finished (elapsed time: 3.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-1: Computing spectral E-values...
pool-1-thread-3: Preprocessing spectra finished (elapsed time: 13.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-3: Database search...
pool-1-thread-3: Database search progress... 0.0% complete
pool-1-thread-4: Preprocessing spectra finished (elapsed time: 14.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-4: Database search...
pool-1-thread-4: Database search progress... 0.0% complete
pool-1-thread-5: Preprocessing spectra finished (elapsed time: 15.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-5: Database search...
pool-1-thread-5: Database search progress... 0.0% complete
pool-1-thread-6: Preprocessing spectra finished (elapsed time: 16.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-6: Database search...
pool-1-thread-6: Database search progress... 0.0% complete
pool-1-thread-1: Computing spectral E-values finished (elapsed time: 4.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-6: Database search progress... 76.4% complete
pool-1-thread-6: Database search finished (elapsed time: 1.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-6: Computing spectral E-values...
pool-1-thread-7: Database search progress... 76.4% complete
pool-1-thread-7: Database search finished (elapsed time: 7.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-7: Computing spectral E-values...
pool-1-thread-2: Database search progress... 76.4% complete
pool-1-thread-3: Database search progress... 76.4% complete
pool-1-thread-2: Database search finished (elapsed time: 7.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-2: Computing spectral E-values...
pool-1-thread-3: Database search finished (elapsed time: 6.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-3: Computing spectral E-values...
pool-1-thread-4: Database search progress... 76.4% complete
pool-1-thread-5: Database search progress... 76.4% complete
pool-1-thread-4: Database search finished (elapsed time: 5.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-4: Computing spectral E-values...
pool-1-thread-5: Database search finished (elapsed time: 5.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-5: Computing spectral E-values...
pool-1-thread-2: Computing spectral E-values finished (elapsed time: 8.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-3: Computing spectral E-values finished (elapsed time: 12.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-7: Computing spectral E-values finished (elapsed time: 13.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-4: Computing spectral E-values finished (elapsed time: 14.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-5: Computing spectral E-values finished (elapsed time: 17.00 sec)
pool-1-thread-6: Computing spectral E-values finished (elapsed time: 22.00 sec)
Computing q-values...
Computing q-values finished (elapsed time: 0.03 sec)
Writing results...
Writing results finished (elapsed time: 2.08 sec)
MS-GF+ complete (total elapsed time: 64.62 sec)
reading <MyFileName>.mzid... DONE!
Warning: Unhandled error in observer: could not find function "scans"
    if (input$analysisButton == 0)
    if (input$analysisButton != analysisButtonCount) {
        dataFiles <<- isolate({
        currentPar <<- isolate({
        analysisButtonCount <<- input$analysisButton
        currentAnalysis <<- runMSGF(currentPar, dataFiles[1],
            async = TRUE)
        progressBarData$max <<- length(dataFiles)
        progressBarData$value <<- 1
        session$sendCustomMessage(type = "progressBar", list(max = isolate({
        }), value = isolate({
        }) - 0.75, text = paste0("Analyzing ", basename(dataFiles[1])),
            done = FALSE))
    if (length(dataFiles)) {
        if (finished(currentAnalysis)) {
            session$sendCustomMessage(type = "progressBar", list(max = isolate({
                progres [... truncated]
Entering edit mode
Last seen 8.8 years ago
United States

I don't know much about the dependencies for MSGFgui - could it be an mzR problem? MSGFgui complains when I load its library that:

In fun(libname, pkgname) :
  mzR has been built against a different Rcpp version (0.12.1)
than is installed on your system (0.12.2). This might lead to errors
when loading mzR.

In addition, while manipulating the settings in the GUI itself, the R console stacks up this warning:

Listening on
Note: the specification for S3 class “AsIs” in package ‘jsonlite’ seems equivalent to one from package ‘BiocGenerics’: not turning on duplicate class definitions for this class.
Found more than one class "connection" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'

Neither of these warnings seem especially dire, but I'm obviously not a programming guru so it may be above my head...


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