errors for makeOrgPackageFromNCBI in AnnotationForge
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Last seen 6.0 years ago
United States


I am trying to build the goseq db for Mycoplasma hyorhinis.  Here is what I used: makeOrgPackageFromNCBI(version = "0.0.1", author = "me", maintainer = "me <>", outputDir = ".", tax_id = "1129369", genus = "Mycoplasma", species = "hyorhinis", NCBIFilesDir = "."), but I find the error has following, could you please help me??

Getting data for gene2pubmed.gz

extracting only data for our organism from : gene2pubmed

Getting data for gene2accession.gz

extracting only data for our organism from : gene2accession

Getting data for gene2refseq.gz

extracting only data for our organism from : gene2refseq

Getting data for gene_info.gz

extracting only data for our organism from : gene_info

Getting data for gene2go.gz

extracting only data for our organism from : gene2go

Error in unique(rbind(as.matrix(aliasDat), as.matrix(symbolDat))) : 

  error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'unique': Error in .Method(..., deparse.level = deparse.level) : 

  number of columns of matrices must match (see arg 2)





AnnotationForge • 1.2k views
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I edited your post: bug reports belong to the Question category, not the News category. I also added the annotationforge tag. A good practice when using this site is to always tag your question with the names of the packages that the question is related to so the authors/maintainers are notified. Thanks.



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