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Aaron Hamilton
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Here is an error I get when running affylmGUI (and attempting RMA
normalization). The errors are listed below.
I am running R 1.9.1 on a Windows XP machine. I downloaded the
Estrogen example .cel files and the program worked fine. When I
attempted the same with .cel files I got from the contractor who does
our microarray experiments, there are no error messages when the raw
data is read, but the normalization step causes a bunch of downloads
from the net (One is :
but after that the new windows flash by too fast to read) and then
the two error messages at the bottom of this message.
If you know anyone I should contact who might be able to troubleshoot
these, I would appreciate it. I am a novice at R and affylmGUI.
Below is what the screen says:
Loading required package: limma
Loading required package: affy
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material. To view,
simply type: openVignette()
For details on reading vignettes, see
the openVignette help page.
Loading required package: tcltk
Warning: ActiveTcl could not be found in the Windows Registry.
Either it has not been installed or it has not been installed with
sufficient privileges.
affylmGUI requires the Tcl/Tk extensions Tktable and BWidget which
are not distributed with R,
but they are distributed with ActiveTcl.
To begin, type affylmGUI() or use the pull-down menu.
Searching for user-defined affylmGUI commands in
C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1091/library/affylmGUI/etc ...
Loading required package: reposTools
Note: You did not specify a download type. Using a default value of:
This will be fine for almost all users
Error in if ((is.null(deps)) || (length(deps) == 0) || (deps == ""))
return(NULL) :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Error in assign("NormalizedAffyData", NormalizedAffyData,
Object "NormalizedAffyData" not found
Aaron Hamilton, Ph.D.
Genome Biology Division
Biosciences Directorate
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-448
Livermore, CA 94550
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