I am fairly new to coding and am trying to work through the ChIPSeeker package using my own data in R. I have gotten to section 7 to do the ChIP peak data comparison but I am not sure how to input multiple files into the getTagMatrix command. I have tried to just list my files in the following lines:
> tagMatrixList <- lapply(files[["peak_1", "peak_2", "peak_3"]], getTagMatrix, windows=promoter)
> tagMatrixList <- lapply(files("peak_1", "peak_2", "peak_3"), getTagMatrix, windows=promoter)
> tagMatrixList <- lapply(files("peak_1" "peak_2" "peak_3"), getTagMatrix, windows=promoter)
I also tried to create a list with the files to run in, but it didn't work.
Can someone give me advice?