openCyto: usage and visualization of quadGate.tmix / collapsing data for flowClust
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Last seen 5 months ago

Hello everybody,


I have recently started using BioConductor and its flow packages in particular and now would like to learn openCyto. I have a very simple four-color panel for testing purposes. For one of my gating steps, I would like to use the quadGate.tmix method, since the populations are bleeding into each other a little. During my odyssey through the farthest reaches of the internet, I stumpled upon this issue on github:

The image on there shows pretty much exactly what I want to achieve, but unfortunately, I have a hard time figuring out how to use the command to actually produce a filter object I can use. Running the quadGate.tmix function with usePrior="no" returns "A list of 4 filters applied to a flowFrame.", which, as far as I understand, contains the four polygon gates defining the quadrants. How do I succesfully apply this to a flowFrame, and how can I visualize it? I can kind of get it to work if I use as filter the first element of the resulting list:

xyplot(`Pacific Blue-A` ~ `PE-A`, testframe, filter=testfilter[[1]])

This results in the following:


How do I get that to display the full quadrants to me? Also, the thresholding is obviously off, presumably because I ran the filter without any prior. I could not really find any info on that. Maybe I did not look hard enough, but I would much appreciate it if you could point me towards useful resources.


On a different note, I alternatively tried an approach using flowClust. In the openCyto gating template, I set collapseDataForGating to TRUE for this step and was under the impression that this would result in the same gate for all samples. The actual output, however, looks like this:


Is there a way to generate a common gate?


I thank you in advance for any help you can provide. I am aware that these are not very specialised questions and that I am probably missing some fundamental concepts here, still I would very much appreciate some useful pointer.



flowclust opencyto opencyto gating • 3.0k views
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Greg Finak ▴ 240
Last seen 7.7 years ago
United States

I've done some testing, I believe the tmixfilter is broken.. I dont' have more specific details yet. A call to flowClust on the flowFrame works without issue.


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Turns out to be a bug in `quadGate.tmix` function, I've pushed the fix to openCyto 1.8.3.

As shown in should set `K` appropriately to achieve the best results.

Note, If you want to speed up flowClust, you can pass a smaller `B` value to 'quadGate.mix`. (default is 500). But you will have to tweak it to see whether it affects the outcome, 


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Brilliant, thank you! Your help is highly appreciated. I am still at the very beginning of getting to terms with the flow packages, but I hope to use them to their full potential soon. Thanks for your work.

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Jiang, Mike ★ 1.3k
Last seen 3.0 years ago
(Private Address)

Here is from the doc '?quadGate.tmix':


filters object that contains four polygonGates following the order of (-+,++,+-,–)

That said, the results you've got should be ready to plot as it is. i.e.

testfilter <- quadGate.tmix(fr, c("PE-A", "Pacific Blue-A"), K = 3, usePrior = "no", prior = list())


xyplot(`Pacific Blue-A` ~ `PE-A`, testframe, filter=testfilter)

Regarding to 'collapseDataForGating', it should be used in conjunction with 'groupBy'.  See package vignette for more details


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Thank you for your reply! Please excuse my delayed reaction.
I can, in fact, plot the quadGate the way you described. I don't know why I missed that. However, it still does not display more than the one diagonal line, as shown in the image in my original post. I would also highly value your input on potential variables to investigate to adjust. I tried playing around with the K, target and quantile arguments, but that resulted in mediocre success.

Choosing a groupBy variable for flowClust did help, thank you!

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What's your sessionInfo()? Try to update your openCyto to the latest release (1.8.2) if you are using the older version.

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I was running openCyto 1.8.0, but I updated it to 1.8.2 now. Unfortunately, the problem with visualizing the quadGate still persists. sessionInfo() output:

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_GB.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=de_DE.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
 [1] openCyto_1.8.2            flowClust_3.8.0          
 [3] clue_0.3-50               corpcor_1.6.8            
 [5] mnormt_1.5-3              ellipse_0.3-8            
 [7] RBGL_1.46.0               graph_1.48.0             
 [9] Biobase_2.30.0            BiocGenerics_0.16.1      
[11] flowWorkspace_3.16.3      gridExtra_2.0.0          
[13] ncdfFlow_2.16.0           BH_1.58.0-1              
[15] RcppArmadillo_0. flowViz_1.34.0           
[17] lattice_0.20-33           flowCore_1.36.1          
[19] ks_1.10.0                 rgl_0.95.1367            
[21] mvtnorm_1.0-3             misc3d_0.8-4             
[23] KernSmooth_2.23-15        BiocInstaller_1.20.1     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] splines_3.2.2         R.utils_2.1.0         gtools_3.5.0         
 [4] assertthat_0.1        stats4_3.2.2          latticeExtra_0.6-26  
 [7] mvoutlier_2.0.6       robustbase_0.92-5     chron_2.3-47         
[10] digest_0.6.8          RColorBrewer_1.1-2    colorspace_1.2-6     
[13] Matrix_1.2-2          R.oo_1.19.0           plyr_1.8.3           
[16] multicool_0.1-9       pcaPP_1.9-60          XML_3.98-1.3         
[19] fda_2.4.4             zlibbioc_1.16.0       scales_0.3.0         
[22] flowStats_3.28.1      ggplot2_1.0.1         hexbin_1.27.1        
[25] proto_0.3-10          magrittr_1.5          IDPmisc_1.1.17       
[28] GGally_0.5.0          R.methodsS3_1.7.0     MASS_7.3-45          
[31] tools_3.2.2           data.table_1.9.6      stringr_1.0.0        
[34] MCMCpack_1.3-3        munsell_0.4.2         cluster_2.0.3        
[37] sgeostat_1.0-26       pls_2.5-0             grid_3.2.2           
[40] tcltk_3.2.2           gtable_0.1.2          codetools_0.2-14     
[43] reshape_0.8.5         DBI_0.3.1             reshape2_1.4.1       
[46] rrcov_1.3-8           R6_2.1.1              robCompositions_1.9.1
[49] dplyr_0.4.3           sROC_0.1-2            Rgraphviz_2.14.0     
[52] stringi_1.0-1         Rcpp_0.12.2           DEoptimR_1.0-4       
[55] coda_0.18-1

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Jiang, Mike ★ 1.3k
Last seen 3.0 years ago
(Private Address)

Could you please email me one of the example files that I can reproduce what you've seen?


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