I am using WGCNA to identify co-expressed gene networks from an RNAseq data set in which 24 mice were assigned to one of 4 experimental treatment groups. I have cleaned my data and there are 13861 genes that were used for the network construction using a signed network type, power = 18 (recommended from the network fit indices), deepSplit = 4, minModuleSize = 30, mergeCutHeight = 0.25. I have 19 modules ranging in size from 52 - 5486 genes. Now I would like to determine if there are any modules are related to experimental condition. Does anyone have a recommendation as to how I should compare modules across groups?
Thus far, I have run one-way ANOVAs on each module eigengene and corrected using FDR < 0.05 with the following loop. Note: datTraits[, 1]
contains my grouping variable
Filename = net4_30_18 #This is the name of my network Unlisted = data.frame() i = 1 while (i <= NCOL(Filename$MEs)){ Unlisted = rbind(Unlisted, unlist(summary(aov(Filename$MEs[ , i] ~ datTraits[ , 1])))) i = i+1 } names(Unlisted) = c("DF1", "DF2", "SS1", "SS2", "MS1", "MS2", "F1", "F2", "PR1", "PR2") row.names(Unlisted) = names(Filename$MEs) Cutoff = 0.05/NCOL(Filename$MEs) summary(Unlisted$PR1 <= 0.1) summary(Unlisted$PR1 <= 0.05) summary(Unlisted$PR1 <= 0.005) summary(Unlisted$PR1 <= Cutoff) summary(p.adjust(Unlisted$PR1, method = 'fdr') <= 0.05) summary(p.adjust(Unlisted$PR1, method = 'fdr') <= 0.1) Unlisted[p.adjust(Unlisted$PR1, method = 'fdr') <= 0.05, ]
Does anyone have any recommendations on how they would approach this?