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So when I import BigWig files using a URL I get large temporary files named by the URL and called "SparseData" as so:
input$query_range="chr5 1293401 1296392" split_query = strsplit(input$query_range,split="[\t ]")[[1]] temp_grange = GRanges(seqnames=Rle(split_query[1]), ranges=IRanges(start=as.integer(split_query[2]), end=as.integer(split_query[3]), name=split_query[1]), seqinfo=seqinfo(Hsapiens)) query_grange_flank = temp_grange test_bw = BigWigFile("http://egg.wustl.edu/d/hg19/GSM935646_1.bigWig") b = import(test_bw, selection = BigWigSelection(query_grange_flank), which = query_grange_flank)
I'm assuming rtracklayer is creating a temporary container for the bigWig data it pulls offline.
I'm wondering, is there any way to remove these temporary files after fetching the data?
--Thank you
Awesome! Looking forward to snagging it then.