Entering edit mode
I'm trying out DESeq2 (v1.8.2, R 3.2.2) for the first time and following the std bioconductor documentation, but am finding that the results() function is ignoring the 'alpha' parameter e.g.
>dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = geneCounts, colData = DataFrame(groups), design = ~ V2) >dds <- DESeq(dds) >res <- results(dds) >res05 <- results(dds, alpha=0.05) >summary(res) out of 6956 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 1594, 23% LFC < 0 (down) : 1592, 23% outliers [1] : 0, 0% low counts [2] : 348, 5% (mean count < 1.1) >summary(res05) out of 6956 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 1594, 23% LFC < 0 (down) : 1592, 23% outliers [1] : 0, 0% low counts [2] : 348, 5% (mean count < 1.1)
What's the problem here?
Ah, I didn't see summary needs the alpha filter as well.
Thanks for the quick response.