I'm trying to convert ensembl gene ids to mgi ids. I know that I can do this in biomart, but I recently noticed there are a number of mouse annotation packages. I was just wondering what is the best/easiest way to do this?
I'm trying to convert ensembl gene ids to mgi ids. I know that I can do this in biomart, but I recently noticed there are a number of mouse annotation packages. I was just wondering what is the best/easiest way to do this?
How you define 'best' is sort of personal. I personally prefer to use the annotation packages directly, but biomaRt is a perfectly good way to go as well. If you want to use the annotation packages, you can use either select()
or mapIds()
. The difference being that mapIds()
will by default silently choose one result for any one-to-many mappings whereas select()
will not.
> library(org.Mm.eg.db) ## just get some Ensembl IDs > ensgns <- sample(keys(org.Mm.eg.db, "ENSEMBL"), 500) > mgis <- mapIds(org.Mm.eg.db, ensgns, "MGI","ENSEMBL") > head(mgis) ENSMUSG00000074369 ENSMUSG00000040726 ENSMUSG00000072683 ENSMUSG00000059910 "MGI:MGI:2149033" "MGI:MGI:96071" "MGI:MGI:3648132" "MGI:MGI:3031099" ENSMUSG00000024298 ENSMUSG00000038384 "MGI:MGI:1921793" "MGI:MGI:2652820" > mgis2 <- select(org.Mm.eg.db, ensgns, "MGI","ENSEMBL") 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns > head(mgis2) ENSEMBL MGI 1 ENSMUSG00000074369 MGI:MGI:2149033 2 ENSMUSG00000040726 MGI:MGI:96071 3 ENSMUSG00000072683 MGI:MGI:3648132 4 ENSMUSG00000059910 MGI:MGI:3031099 5 ENSMUSG00000024298 MGI:MGI:1921793 6 ENSMUSG00000038384 MGI:MGI:2652820 > sum(duplicated(mgis2[,1])) [1] 6
The AnnotationDbi package has a couple of vignettes and a video that you can use to get further acquainted.
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