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I have :
fcs <- lapply(dir("raw/FL/", full.names=TRUE, pattern = "\\.LMD$"),read.FCS)
flowFrame object 'M340220834.LMD'
with 36424 cells and 13 observables:
name desc range minRange maxRange
$P1 FS INT LIN FS 1024 0.000000 1023
$P2 SS INT LIN SS 1024 0.000000 1023
$P3 FL1 INT LOG CD103 FITC 1024 1.000922 10000
$P4 FL2 INT LOG CD10 PE 1024 1.000922 10000
$P5 FL3 INT LOG CD13 PE-CF594 1024 1.000922 10000
$P6 FL4 INT LOG CD5 PC5.5 1024 1.000922 10000
$P7 FL5 INT LOG CD11c PC7 1024 1.000922 10000
$P8 FL6 INT LOG CD123 APC 1024 1.000922 10000
$P9 FL7 INT LOG CD25 AA700 1024 1.000922 10000
$P10 FL8 INT LOG CD19 AA750 1024 1.000922 10000
$P11 FL9 INT LOG CD20 PB 1024 1.000922 10000
$P12 FL10 INT LOG CD45 KO 1024 1.000922 10000
$P13 TIME TIME 1024 0.000000 1023
363 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot
flowFrame object 'M340220834.LMD'
with 61877 cells and 7 observables:
name desc range minRange maxRange
$P1 FS INT LIN FS INT LIN 1024 0.000000 1023
$P2 SS INT LIN SS INT LIN 1024 0.000000 1023
$P3 FL2 INT LOG CD180 PE 1024 1.009044 10000
$P4 FL4 INT LOG CD5 PC5.5 1024 1.000922 10000
$P5 FL8 INT LOG CD19 AA750 1024 1.009044 10000
$P6 FL10 INT LOG CD45 KO 1024 1.000922 10000
$P7 TIME TIME 1024 0.000000 1023
273 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot
>fs1 <- as(fcs, "flowSet")
Error in dim(colNames) <- c(ncol(from[[frameList[[1]]]]), length(frameList))
How can make that work?
Do I have to add extra "empty" channels to the second flowFrame? How can I do that?
Thanks for your answer.
There isn't any possibility to keep all the channels ?
Maybe like splitting all of them and renaming the channels or adding empty ("NA" ?) channels to the last one?
No, it is not allowed in 'flowSet'.
I'm a bit disapointed. I wanted to combine my tubes with 'flowBin'. You don't know any other method?