Errors in makeOrgPackage
Last seen 4.8 years ago
United States
I'm trying to create a custom OrgDb for tomato.
First I tried to add Uniprot table to the OrgDb with
but I had an error like
May I ask for any advice?
I checked this error on R 3.2.2 + Annotation Forge 1.12.0 on Windows 10 and Mac OS X El Capitan.
You can reproduce this error with the following commands.
git clone git://
> install.packages("splitstackshape")
> source("")
> biocLite("AnnotationForge")
> source("tomatoMakeOrgPkg.R")
Last seen 6 hours ago
United States
> fUniprot <-
> library(AnnotationForge)
> #makeOrgPackage(gene_info = fSym, chromosome = fChr, go = fGO,
> # this does NOT work
> makeOrgPackage(gene_info = fSym, chromosome = fChr, go = fGO, uniprot = fUniprot,
+ version = "0.1",
+ maintainer = "Kozo Nishida <>",
+ author = "Kozo Nishida <>",
+ outputDir = ".",
+ tax_id = "4081",
+ genus = "Solanum",
+ species = "lycopersicum",
+ goTable = "go")
Populating genes table:
genes table filled
Populating gene_info table:
gene_info table filled
Populating chromosome table:
chromosome table filled
Populating go table:
go table filled
Populating uniprot table:
uniprot table filled
table metadata filled
Loading required package: GO.db
'select()' returned many:1 mapping between keys and columns
Dropping GO IDs that are too new for the current GO.db
Populating go table:
go table filled
'select()' returned many:1 mapping between keys and columns
Populating go_all table:
go_all table filled
Creating package in ./
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It seems like the function is expecting a
, but fUniprot is adata.table
)?Many thanks for your advise.
I replaced it to data.frame it works well now.