How to remove out of bound rows from granges
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vinod.acear ▴ 50
Last seen 4.1 years ago


I want to remove rows from out of chromosome length  ranges from granges. Please suggest

Granges grangeslist • 8.6k views
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Hi i have ext_grn my badGr which ahve 253 ranges, m trying to remove location 6 and 10 that are out of bound. when i applied the above process on it it is still having 253 ranges.

> ext_grn
GRanges object with 253 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
        seqnames           ranges strand   |            id     score
           <Rle>        <IRanges>  <Rle>   |   <character> <numeric>
    [1]        1 [   250,   1250]      -   |   eaton_acs_1   24.6037
    [2]        1 [ 30518,  31518]      +   |   eaton_acs_2   18.0581
    [3]        1 [ 41560,  42560]      +   |   eaton_acs_3   15.4399
    [4]        1 [ 69917,  70917]      -   |   eaton_acs_4   10.2180
    [5]        1 [124012, 125012]      -   |   eaton_acs_5   19.1554
    ...      ...              ...    ... ...           ...       ...
  [249]       16 [776581, 777581]      -   | eaton_acs_249   18.2426
  [250]       16 [818826, 819826]      -   | eaton_acs_250   20.8951
  [251]       16 [880423, 881423]      +   | eaton_acs_251   21.7175
  [252]       16 [932651, 933651]      -   | eaton_acs_252   15.2781
  [253]       16 [941943, 942943]      +   | eaton_acs_253   21.6356
  seqinfo: 16 sequences from sacCer2 genome

> a=Seqinfo(genome="sacCer2")
> seqlevels(a,force=TRUE) <- c("chrI" ,   "chrII" ,  "chrIII" , "chrIV"  , "chrV"  ,  "chrVI" ,  "chrVII" , "chrVIII" ,"chrIX"  , "chrX" , "chrXI"  , "chrXII" , "chrXIII" ,"chrXIV" , "chrXV"  , "chrXVI" )

> a=renameSeqlevels(a,as.character(c(1:16)))
> a

Seqinfo object with 16 sequences from sacCer2 genome:
  seqnames seqlengths isCircular  genome
  1            230208      FALSE sacCer2
  2            813178      FALSE sacCer2
  3            316617      FALSE sacCer2
  4           1531919      FALSE sacCer2
  5            576869      FALSE sacCer2
  ...             ...        ...     ...
  12          1078175      FALSE sacCer2
  13           924429      FALSE sacCer2
  14           784333      FALSE sacCer2
  15          1091289      FALSE sacCer2
  16           948062      FALSE sacCer2

> seqinfo(ext_grn) <- a
Warning message:
In valid.GenomicRanges.seqinfo(x, suggest.trim = TRUE) :
  GRanges object contains 2 out-of-bound ranges located on sequences 6 and 10. Note
  that only ranges located on a non-circular sequence whose length is not NA can be
  considered out-of-bound (use seqlengths() and isCircular() to get the lengths and
  circularity flags of the underlying sequences). You can use trim() to trim these
  ranges. See ?`trim,GenomicRanges-method` for more information.
> ext_grn <- trim(ext_grn)
> ext_grn
GRanges object with 253 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
        seqnames           ranges strand   |            id     score
           <Rle>        <IRanges>  <Rle>   |   <character> <numeric>
    [1]        1 [   250,   1250]      -   |   eaton_acs_1   24.6037
    [2]        1 [ 30518,  31518]      +   |   eaton_acs_2   18.0581
    [3]        1 [ 41560,  42560]      +   |   eaton_acs_3   15.4399
    [4]        1 [ 69917,  70917]      -   |   eaton_acs_4   10.2180
    [5]        1 [124012, 125012]      -   |   eaton_acs_5   19.1554
    ...      ...              ...    ... ...           ...       ...
  [249]       16 [776581, 777581]      -   | eaton_acs_249   18.2426
  [250]       16 [818826, 819826]      -   | eaton_acs_250   20.8951
  [251]       16 [880423, 881423]      +   | eaton_acs_251   21.7175
  [252]       16 [932651, 933651]      -   | eaton_acs_252   15.2781
  [253]       16 [941943, 942943]      +   | eaton_acs_253   21.6356
  seqinfo: 16 sequences from sacCer2 genome



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I see. I'm not sure there's a super-easy way to drop ranges that fall outside of the bounds. trim() is expected to return an object of the same length as its input, so we might need a new function. Maybe Herve has some ideas?

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trim() uses internal helper GenomicRanges:::get_out_of_bound_index() to find the out-of-bound ranges. So you could use this on your GRanges object:

idx <- GenomicRanges:::get_out_of_bound_index(ext_grn)
if (length(idx) != 0L)
    ext_grn <- ext_grn[-idx]

We should probably expose and document get_out_of_bound_index(), and rename it in the process.


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Last seen 2 days ago
United States

There might be an easy way to make a GRanges object for the chromosomes, but it wasn't readily apparent to me, so I did it the hard way. But the idea is to have a GRanges that encompasses the extent of the chromosomes, and then use subsetByOverlaps().

> library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
## get chrlengths - there must actually be an accessor I don't know abou
> con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), paste0(path.package("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene"), "/extdata/TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene.sqlite"))
> chrs <- dbGetQuery(con, "select chrom, length from chrominfo limit 24;")
> chrGR <- GRanges(chrs[,1], IRanges(rep(1, 24), chrs[,2]))
## so chrGR is a GRanges that has start and end for all 24 chromosomes
> badGR <- GRanges(paste0("chr", c(1,2,3,4,5)), IRanges(c(249250600, 3,4,5,6), c(249250645, 6,7,8,9)))
## a 'bad' GRanges, where the first range extends past the end of chr1
> badGR
GRanges object with 5 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
      seqnames                 ranges strand
         <Rle>              <IRanges>  <Rle>
  [1]     chr1 [249250600, 249250645]      *
  [2]     chr2 [        3,         6]      *
  [3]     chr3 [        4,         7]      *
  [4]     chr4 [        5,         8]      *
  [5]     chr5 [        6,         9]      *
  seqinfo: 5 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## now remove all ranges that are not 'within' the chromosome boundaries
> subsetByOverlaps(badGR, chrGR, type="within")
GRanges object with 4 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
      seqnames    ranges strand
         <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle>
  [1]     chr2    [3, 6]      *
  [2]     chr3    [4, 7]      *
  [3]     chr4    [5, 8]      *
  [4]     chr5    [6, 9]      *
  seqinfo: 5 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

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Hi Jim,

FWIW, getting the sequence lengths out of a TxDb object is a one-liner:


If you want the full Seqinfo:


If you want it as a GRanges object (your chrGR object):

as(seqinfo(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene), "GRanges")

Too easy I know ;-)


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Thanks Hervé! I figured it had to be something easy...

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Last seen 2.8 years ago
United States

If your genome build is hg19 or some other key known to UCSC, you can do something like:

seqinfo(badGR) <- Seqinfo(genome="hg19")
goodGR <- trim(badGR)


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balwierz ▴ 40
Last seen 5.2 years ago
United Kingdom

It is super easy

a <- a[trim(a) == a]

If your GRanges a does not have seqinfo, assign it first (and do it always whenever you create any GRanges):

seqlevels(a) <- seqlevels(Mmusculus)
seqlengths(a) <- seqlengths(Mmusculus)

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