Dear Bioconductor Community,
i would like to ask a very specific and short question about the "basic" methodology behind the arrayWeights() function from the package limma. Although, from previous discussions from related posts and also from the original article, i understand that empirical array quality weights mainly "adjust" samples of low quality, which could cause unusual/exaggerated high variance-characterized by computing an overall quality performance from all samples, based on the heteroscedastic model described in the paper
-could also the specific methodology downweights samples, from which unexpected variance is due to other "supplementary biological reasons": ??
for instance, accounting for inter-tumor heterogeneity when having samples from different patients which contribute to the same anatomic location or tissue(etc) ? and/or even for tumor heteroscedacity ?
Or the case is clearly due to various problems relating to sample quality ??
Please excuse me for this naive question, but im currently writting a report and i would not like to include any irrelevant misconceptions about the description of this methodology!!
Yes. Low quality (or high variability) could arise from a multitude of sources (e.g. the RNA may be degraded for a particular sample or tumor samples may be contaminated with normal cells to varying degrees, leading to increased variation etc. etc.) and the model has no way of knowing the precise source.